I’m not going to lie, as predictable as it may be, I’m most definitely a lover of labels. I’d shamelessly pay a few hundred dollars more just for an item I buy to whisper or scream the name of one of my favorite brands. Designer bag prices are continuing to slowly increase but while indulging in the world of designer accessories has long been considered a luxury reserved for the few, brands have secretly released a few items in their custom logos on the low-low price scale.
This is the beautiful place where affordability meets sophistication as we discover that a good selection of designer accessories can not only capture the essence of luxury but also promise enduring style. Timeless designs and spectacular logos don’t always come with a staggering price tag. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a love one that you’re excited to gift, join us on a journey into this realm of attainable elegance. Each of these 32 accessories is under-$500, you’re welcome.