
Here's How the June Super Strawberry Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (HYPEBAE)  Tue, 22 Jun 2021  HYPEBAE

June's Super Strawberry Moon, occurring on June 24, will be the last supermoon of 2021. According to the Farmer's Almanac, the term "Strawberry Moon" honors North America's short strawberry season that typically falls during this time of the year. In Europe, it was previously dubbed the Rose Moon as "the rosebuds and blossoms come into their full glory during this season," Sanctuary‘s resident astrologer Jane Sloan explains to HYPEBAE. "This lunation carries an optimistic flavor with fortune and bounty, where we may be experiencing growth and the yield of creation that we started back at January’s new moon," she adds.

The Strawberry Moon will appear as early as the morning of June 23 and will last until June 26, while the moon will be full at 11:40 a.m. PST (2:40 p.m. EST) on June 24, according to NASA. In anticipation of this powerful cosmic event, here, Sloan discusses the differences between the three supermoons of 2021 and how the Strawberry Moon will affect your zodiac sign.

Elsewhere in astrology, with Cancer season in full effect, here's everything you need to know about the zodiac sign.


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How Are the April, May and June Supermoons Similar or Different?

The three full moons of April, May and June are classified as supermoons as they all are perigee or closest to the Earth in their orbit, so it will appear bigger and brighter in the sky. At perigee, the gravitational pull of the moon is strongest and we can experience higher than normal tides, and as humans, made of approximately 60 percent water, we can feel the effects of a supermoon more notably. This can be experienced as a higher emotional sensitivity or physical sensitivity as more water retention can affect different organ systems.

Astrologically, April and May’s full moons were carrying some onerous planetary energy, which may have been felt as heavy or weighty, bringing sudden changes. The full moon in May was also an eclipse intensifying this energy and needed more time to unfold the messages it was heralding. With June’s full moon, there is a more buoyant feel. While the chart of this lunation still carries some confrontations, the moon will be in conjunction with the favorable fixed star Polis – supporting success and ambitions, and it will also be making harmonious aspects to bountiful Jupiter, where confidence and hopefulness are being extended for you to utilize.


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The Most Vulnerable Signs This Month

June brings something for every sign to consider and contemplate. With the sun’s ingress into Cancer and the full moon in Capricorn, the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are awakening to see some results that have come from the efforts you have been exerting. Before you go diving into the next project, make sure you have finished the trimmings on what has just come to pass. The fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are still knee-deep in the Saturn/Uranus square, which is mobilizing change for the future. You may not like being forced into different circumstances but to resist is futile. You are growing bigger and better when you stay true to your authentic path and purpose. The mutable signs are going to start to feel some relief as Mercury stations direct on June 22. The past month, Gemini has been a host to two eclipses and Mercury’s retrograde, which may have felt overwhelming for all the mutable signs. However, new insight and ideas are formulating for you to harness and run with.


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Full Moon Self-Care Tips for Each Zodiac Sign

This full moon captures three major aspects of the sky. Bountiful Jupiter will sextile the moon and trine the sun at the lunation. This brings abundance and positive aspirations to this serious Capricorn moon. The full moon ruler, Saturn, is in a square with Uranus and opposing Mars. This will require some effort to let go of any presumptions of how plans are going to unfold or how fast you anticipate change. Venus opposes Pluto, which can make for steamy romance for some and power struggles for others.

To see where this full moon will influence your life most prominently, look to which house in your chart three degrees Capricorn falls and follow the descriptions from your rising sign below:

Aries Rising

This full moon is honoring the hard work of the last six months and as far back as December 2019. You may be getting some recognition from those in authority and for the entrepreneurial types. You are giving yourself a massive pat on the back for a job well done. You have had to put your foot to the grindstone where work and career are concerned. Perhaps you have had to create a new stream of income or reinvent an existing one. Many have found that working from home has created a work/home balance, but if you are still giving too much to the office, this is a call to stand down from the spotlight at work and dedicate time to play. Your chart ruler Mars is opposing disciplinary Saturn, who will impose sanctions if you don’t abide. Don’t worry, work will still be there after you dip your toes in the pool.

Taurus Rising

It may be graduation day, both literally and figuratively. Perhaps an area of study or learning a skill that is going to advance your career is coming to completion. You may be setting off on a trip or new adventure that you have had to postpone, or a legal battle has reached a settlement. Whatever the case, you are finding a new voice and ways of expression that feel valuable and empowering. Your ruler Venus is opposing Pluto and this can bring in a new journey or study to consume your desires. Your friends and allies are coming out of the woodwork to support you. Oddly, you may feel some ego clash from someone at home. Don’t play into the negativity. Keep your head up high and look ahead as you are going places.

Gemini Rising

Jupiter is shining down on you and favorably aspecting the money sectors of your chart. Your career is infused with a new sense of revival and creating visions for the future. With the full moon in your eighth house of shared resources, your partner may also be experiencing a financial boon. This is a great time for collaboration or sourcing some investments and paying off any debts with some of the financial bonuses. Your ruler Mercury has been retrograde for the past three weeks and steadily feeding your brain with ideas for how you will continue to expand over the rest of the year. If you are signing or negotiating any contracts, take your time to look them over well, or better yet, get a second opinion. You will feel the excitement to jump but Saturn opposing Mars in your ninth/third houses is suggesting you to not be too hasty. Rewards will come if you don’t let your ego lead the way.

Cancer Rising

This moon rules your chart. You are reaching a culmination point or celebration in the area of your committed relationships. You may be finally tying the knot and professing your commitment to your partner or finalizing a separation so you can both complete a cycle. This can also be a time for profitable and sustaining business partnerships. If you are already in a devoted union, this is a perfect time to reaffirm your mutual goals. If you are searching for partnership, this can be a time of clarity where you honor past relationships and open the doors to a changing cycle. Venus is in opposition to Pluto in your relationship axis, and this is about deep self-love, empowerment and not getting attached to what you do not have.

Leo Rising

Congratulations may be in order for taking charge of your health and wellness needs. You may be feeling like a new you, whether that is because you took up a new fitness regime during lockdown or you were forced into changing your diet due to some health concerns. Either way, it has taken a lot of work and this is the time to acknowledge your efforts. There is a huge mental boost coming your way and with this feeling, you can sustain the efforts that you started. For some, this full moon may bring in a new four-legged friend, which of course will bring joy to your outlook on life. Your chart ruler, the sun, is soaking in some of the spiritual energy of the collective. Mindfulness and meditation will enhance your journey to vitality, so remember to take time out to honor the quiet in your big heart and mind. Mars is opposing Saturn and squaring Uranus at this time from your first house, and this will require a valiant effort to stick to your protocols for the next few weeks. Be excited and inspired, but don’t be reckless.

Virgo Rising

I’ve got to say this is an excellent lunation for this goddess sign. The full moon lights up the area of romance, creativity, pleasure and children. You take pleasure seriously and may have been working tooth and nail on some artful or passionate project, which is now being birthed. This may be related to a work project, the accomplishment of your children or something you have started during lockdown to keep your sanity. With Jupiter in your relationship house and aspecting the full moon, this is a wonderful time for dating -- so get out and mingle. Your chart ruler Mercury has had an extended time in the area of career, so it is time to unplug for a couple of weeks and enjoy your creations.

Libra Rising

Home and family are taking the spotlight. This may be the completion of renovations, the sale or purchase of a new home, or simply a time when you get to experience the glory of your family. With the full moon in the fourth house, perhaps you are visiting parents or grandparents after long isolation. Engage in stories and tales of your ancestry as there is wisdom to be earned, even if you need to discern what is useful for you and what you need to leave behind. Your chart ruler Venus opposes Pluto from your 10th house of work, which can bring up some power plays or jealousy between colleagues. This is a chance for you to take the higher ground as the tension will be resolved or at least lighten up by mid-July.

Scorpio Rising

This full moon can bring to completion some dispute or challenge with one of your siblings or someone who feels like family. While there may have been a block in your communication, you may now be heard, or you simply walk away and let it go. Creatively, this can be a time something you have written or been in negotiations with comes to fruition. Your chart ruler Mars is at odds with the moon's ruler, Saturn, from your house of work. While you may feel very busy and engaged with a work project, someone or something at home may need your support, and you may need to take time off to take care of your private life.

Sagittarius Rising

It may have been a long year and a half maintaining your resources. You have had to work hard but recently things have been paying off. Your finances are looking strong with this full moon. This may be the sale of a house, a raise at work or an old debt is paid back. You may even be tapping into a natural talent of yours that has been dormant and is now starting to shine and work for you. This is a tremendous ego boost, so feel it and congratulate your hard work. Your chart ruler, Jupiter, is supporting this growth and it is through your vision and faith that you find success.

Capricorn Rising

Now is the time to celebrate you. You have always held an air of responsibility and need for achievement. The last 18 months are a testament to perseverance. While everything may not look perfect in your eyes, this is a time to accept some of the recognition for your work. This full moon is a completion of a cycle in your personal growth and goals. You may be celebrating your efforts or going right into new plans for the next stage in your life. Your chart ruler, Saturn, may be assessing your financial status, but there are other passions to explore. Take a moment to take on some sensual pleasure, as this will give you strength.

Aquarius Rising

This full moon may be exposing some insecurities or parts of yourself you would rather not see, or at least not let anyone else see. While you are naturally attuned to the future, this lunation is stirring up the past and perhaps the fear of being trapped under someone else’s authority. However, at this moment in time, you are breaking free and are truly understanding how you are the author of your own journey. You are co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus, who are squaring off in the sky -- so at times you feel you are in a straight jacket or feel you are busting into new territory. This can be a bit of a mental paradox. While meditation may not be what you are naturally attuned to, finding your own creative meditation through art, journaling or writing may be a way to process the incredible insights that are leading you to express your genius.

Pisces Rising

You may be quite literally manifesting your dreams right now. There is a connection to your groups, alliances and friends that are opening up new avenues in your life. Celebrate your tribe as you have found some long-lasting networks. This may simply be a time when community gatherings are available to you and this inspires and initiates your creative expression. Your co-rulers, Jupiter and Neptune, both occupy your sign right now -- so this is a time of spiritual awakening and an alignment with a greater purpose. Find graciousness and gratitude for the abundance in your life. If you have an artistic gift, share that with the rest of us.

Jane Sloan is a professional astrologer, registered nutritionist and energy healer, integrating therapies over the past 20 years for spiritual and physical wellness and personal growth. She joined the amazing team of astrologers at Sanctuary in 2019, where she has had the honor of connecting with people all over the world, exploring how the celestial movements in the sky intersect with our daily lives. Her practice focuses on empowerment and tapping into your innate gifts. You can find Jane through the Sanctuary App, her website and on Instagram.

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