
Here's How the May Super Flower Blood Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (HYPEBAE)  Tue, 25 May 2021  HYPEBAE

May's Super Flower Blood Moon, occurring on Wednesday, May 26, is almost upon us. Taking place in the fiery and mutable sign of Sagittarius, the upcoming total lunar eclipse will be one of the most supercharged and super potent moons of the year.

According to Sanctuary's resident astrologer Jane Sloan, the moon symbolically represents our emotions, and during eclipses, our personal and collective emotions are amplified. Sitting at the south node of the moon, this lunation prompts us to let go and release aspects of ourselves that no longer serve a purpose in our growth.

Sloan explains what exactly a Super Flower Blood Moon is: "In the astrological chart, we see a full moon as the sun and moon in the signs are exactly opposite each other. For this lunation, the sun will be at five degrees Gemini and the moon at five degrees Sagittarius."

The astrologer adds, "A lunar eclipse can only happen at a full moon, and it must be at or near one of the two points in its orbit where it crosses the ecliptic plane, known as the moon’s nodes. With the Earth in exact alignment between the sun and the moon, the Earth casts a shadow or eclipses the moon from the sun’s rays."


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Lunar eclipses also tend to have a reddish or orange hue caused by air particles from the Earth’s atmosphere. When the Earth blocks the rays of the sun, the moon is not completely invisible, as the Earth’s atmosphere bends or refracts light from around the Earth and indirectly lights up the moon’s surface. Thus, the reddish color comes from air particles from the Earth’s atmosphere.

Unlike April's pink supermoon, May's Super Flower Blood Moon will be more internal and emotional, which can rattle our feeling of stability. "Energies felt at any full moon can linger for days before and after, but with a Lunar eclipse, the energy sparked here can last for even three months or longer," Sloan explains.

Ahead of the astrological event, Sloan shares how the Super Flower Blood Moon will affect all the zodiac signs. Read on to find out more.


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The Most Vulnerable Signs This Month

May can bring a feeling of loss or a step down for the fixed signs -- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius -- as Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Sun all move from fixed into mutable signs by the middle of the month. This is a loss of the two benefics or "beneficial" planets, Venus and Jupiter, which act as helpers and offer an extra boost and inflation for growth and movement.

It's the mutable signs -- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces -- that will be receiving the most powerful energies and the brunt of the Lunar eclipse as well as the Mercury Retrograde, which makes these signs much more sensitive for the upcoming weeks and months. If you have any planets or angles between 3 to 7 degrees of any of the mutable signs, this lunation will instigate a deep release in the area of the chart that they reside. The mutable signs are known for their adaptability to change, and this month, you will need to keep your knees bent more than ever to allow for some changing winds to breeze through your life.


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Full Moon Self-Care Tips for Each Zodiac Sign

This Lunar eclipse will capture some contentious energies culminating in the sky. Jupiter, the eclipse ruler, squares this lunation and exaggerates and amplifies what is already there. Mercury and Venus are squaring off with Neptune, which adds confusion but can open up mystical experiences and awakenings. Meanwhile, Mars’ opposition to obsessive, regenerative Pluto will provoke how we champion security and stability in our lives.

To get the best sense of how and where this will be activated for you, look to what house Sagittarius sits in your natal chart. It is best to read from your rising sign or ascendant. This shows the area of life most affected during this time.

Aries Rising

Questions of faith and belief systems are going to arise for you. What worn-out dogmas are you ready to let go of? Do your words match your true position in life? Conflict or power struggles with family may arise -- testing the beliefs you were brought up with versus what you have learned for yourself through experience. This can be an amazing time to explore different philosophies and perhaps let go of preconceived idealism in regards to others, take on a new course of study, or plan a voyage to a destination that can open up new perspectives in the future.

Taurus Rising

You may find that this eclipse will take you deep into your shadow side, where you hold fear around what and who you allow in your intimate circle. How easily do you receive -- be it love, money or power? It is a time for you to shed any feelings of lack -- lack of worth and any feelings around the limitation of your own potential. Use this time to organize your finances, make a payment plan for any debts, and explore your shadow side in therapy, art or the written word.

Gemini Rising

Your one-on-one relationships will be flooding your emotional landscape. If you are in a challenging partnership, all of the issues will be coming to the surface. If there are feelings of judgment or conflicts with personal beliefs within your partnership, this is a time to air out your differences and try to gain perspective of the other side. Your work life is about to take center stage, so this may be a time to let go of any personal relationships that no longer support you. They may drift away on their own or a dramatic conflict may force you to choose -- them or you.

Cancer Rising

The Cancer rising individual will be confronted with aspects of your daily routines, health habits and your beloved pets. For you, the day does not usually slow down -- you always have a project on the go, which can take its toll. If any latent health issues come up during the next few months, it is important for you to take heed and not dismiss this imbalance. Engage in mindfulness, meditation, hikes in nature and bike rides. Clear your mind at the end of each day by journaling. With Mars in your first house opposing Pluto in the seventh, you may be dealing with issues around your own agency, and emotions may be raw and a bit reactionary.

Leo Rising

Clean out the art studio or office, and make way for new creative projects to unfold. You have a story to tell, which may be hidden or repressed for fear of judgement. While you normally feel at ease in the spotlight, something may trigger your feelings of vulnerability. Don’t shy away from this as there is a collective consciousness that shares your plight, pain or awakening; and they need to hear they are not alone. Put your feelings into art, music or storytelling. If you have children, they may also be feeling extra sensitive. So, find time to play, run outdoors or take them to a mountain top to see new vistas.

Virgo Rising

Spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning this season as you are creating space in the foundational sectors of your life. Taking out the trash also means letting go of the storage unit in your mind that holds outdated philosophies or beliefs. What ancestral trauma are you carrying, and what stories were you told to believe about tradition, morals and ideals that clash with your own narrative? You may be considering a physical move from where you live that may feel beyond your control. Remember, you are a free-spirited person who can find magic wherever you reside.

Libra Rising

Rivalries or tensions with siblings may come to a head during this eclipse season, or the loss of someone who feels like a brother or sister may be something entering your heart. You act from visual cues, and we are living in crazy times when we do not see everyone’s faces and expressions. What is hiding in plain sight or is obscured by masks? There may be someone in your family or neighborhood who needs your guidance, wisdom or moral support during this period. So, reach out to those around you to check in just to see how they are doing.

Scorpio Rising

Which Scorpio rising has not felt some kind of attack or judgment of their character that is totally false? As one of the most misinterpreted signs, you may be feeling deep resentments around this misplaced interpretation of who you are, so much so you start to question your own worth or value. There may be an urge to get up on your soapbox and retaliate, but this is not your style. Hold on to your own power and let the opinions of others slide off your consciousness. Your two rulers, Mars and Pluto, are in opposition in the sky testing your feeling of internal power and safety, which comes from your willingness to explore what is under every stone.

Sagittarius Rising

This eclipse is going to touch a cord around freedom and your ability to take on the world with ambitious vision. This past year may have left you feeling tied and bound. Where you normally charge through life with great optimism may leave you questioning your motivations and if you are truly following your purpose and highest ideals. This is a time for you to see not just the forest but each individual tree. Adjusting your focus and your timeline of when things will be done will have to be accommodated. Different ways of thinking are needed to see the whole. Be open to the idea that different opinions can form a more enlightened vision that encompasses a greater audience.

Capricorn Rising

Powerful dreams may come out to play at night as the unconscious realms of life are being triggered. There may be feelings of fear, loss or simply not having control, which messes with your divine plan for order. The messages coming through for you now may be that it is time to surrender to what you can’t control. You may have taken on so much responsibility for yourself and for those around you that you don’t leave room to recuperate yourself. This is your time to let the balloon go from your hand so you can enjoy watching its flight.

Aquarius Rising

Your friendships and alliances may face some moral scrutiny. You may find that friends or groups you engage with fall to the wayside if they are not maturing with your personal evolution. You are a bringer of change and meant to challenge the collective stance. It may be difficult to let go or sad when those around you stay within limited perspectives. But you are feeling a strong sense of what is right, and what and who you want to align with. More progressive alliances will emerge when you release those who are not ready.

Pisces Rising

This can be a time when your ideals and dreams clash with your current work environment and you feel the need to branch out on your own, or start looking for a work scenario that provides a feeling of expansion and opportunity for growth. You are receiving a big ego boost with Jupiter’s ingress into your sign. If you need to guard your workspace until you find your exit route, be careful that your words are not inflated or that you preach too much, for you will be called out and those in authority may take a different stance and reprimand your behavior.


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How Mercury Retrograde Affects May’s Full Moon

If a Lunar eclipse on the south node of the moon is not enough internal prodding for you, then we also have Mercury about to station retrograde in Gemini in a square aspect to Neptune imprinted on this event. Even though Mercury will not station retrograde until the evening of May 28, Mercury is moving so slowly at the eclipse that it is basically still. These moments of stillness amplify the energy and need of the planet.

With Mercury in Gemini, this is about how we communicate, commerce and what we need to share with others, and the words rattling in our mind that we want to express. It may seem like no one is listening to you, your thoughts are so emotionally heavy that you feel unable to express yourself or, it can be a time when thoughts are flooding out like a dam has just broken. Mercury Retrograde is always a time of review, redo, renewal and also when we experience miscommunication or delays with messaging and travel. Neptune’s influence is going to double down on this confusion, where we may be subject to false or bad information, or get caught up in an illusion, like looking through rose-colored glasses.

The energies coming through this Lunar eclipse are going to be intense, heavy and cathartic, but also inspirational and creative. With Mercury going retrograde until June 22, this is an incredible opportunity to process the emotional well that has risen to the surface. Dust off the easel and bring out the watercolors, or buy that soft leather-bound book for your journal reflections and inspirations.

Jane Sloan is a professional astrologer, registered nutritionist and energy healer, integrating therapies over the past 20 years for spiritual and physical wellness and personal growth. She joined the amazing team of astrologers at Sanctuary in 2019, where she has had the honor of connecting with people all over the world, exploring how the celestial movements in the sky intersect with our daily lives. Her practice focuses on empowerment and tapping into your innate gifts. You can find Jane through the Sanctuary App, her website and on Instagram.

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