
July's Full Super Moon in Capricorn Wants You To Find Strength in Vulnerability (Hypebae)  Mon, 03 Jul 2023  Hypebae

While we may be in the thick of Cancer season, tonight's full moon in Capricorn is pushing things into high gear.

Also known as the Buck moon, according to The Farmer's Almanac, the celestial body will appear seven percent larger than usual as it is also a super moon, adding more charge to tonight's lunation. At first glance, Capricorn and Cancer seem like opposing signs. The third earth sign of the zodiac is known for its hardworking and ambitious nature and are the ones to go ghost and come back with at the very least, 10 new business plans. Cancers, on the other hand, are more likely to lock themselves in their room to wade in the deep waters of their feelings, emerging and armed with a greater understanding of themselves after indulging in some self-soothing.

While the earth and water signs may appear to be unlikely allies, Monday's full moon opens our eyes to see how their differences not only compliment one another, but how we can harness this energy to our own advantage. Cancers are ruled by the divinely feminine moon, whereas Capricorn is driven by Saturn, which you can think of as the Daddy planet. Saturn values discipline and grit, inspiring responsibility and favoring leadership positions. Considering that full moons represent the closing of chapters as they are the last phase of the moon's cycle, a full moon in Capricorn during Cancer season can only mean one thing -- it's time to roll up our sleeves, put our heads down and do the shadow work so we can reap the tangible rewards of facing our darker emotions. Marrying the feminine and masculine energies of Capricorn and Cancer's ruling planets will allow us to effectively re-parent ourselves as balance comes from the ability to hold and accept all sides of ourselves without shame. Thankfully, Monday's super moon in Capricorn teaches us to do just that.

Continue scrolling to read your sign's horoscope for tonight's full moon.


The full moon is in your tenth house of career, supercharging your business savvy as you've been rolling up your sleeves and putting in the hard work and may just be on the cusp of reaping those rewards. While your fiery nature may be a little impatient and you'd prefer a raise yesterday, copy Capricorn's mindset and hold out for the long haul -- you don't want to quit right before a breakthrough as so many lessons come from the process itself.


Falling in your ninth house of travel and adventure, the full moon is infecting you with a bit of wanderlust. While stability and routine are your bread and butter, embrace the energy of the super full moon and become the itinerary friend, making plans to infuse your days with a bit of spontaneity. Whether it means switching things up and working at the coffee shop instead of your apartment or embarking on a solo trip, it's time to hit the road.


The full moon is shining a bright light in your eighth house of intimacy, investment and finances, possibly leading to a huge contract or conversation on the horizon. Perhaps, you've had to step it up at work or you're contemplating taking your relationship to the next level, a Capricorn full moon in your eighth house will energize anything and everything commitment-related. Reflect on what you'd like your life to look like as responsibilities pop up and the type of structure you need to put into place to set yourself up for success.


Resting in your seventh house of partnership, the full moon in Capricorn is pushing you to examine the quality of your closest bonds. While you tend to be sentimental and find it difficult to cut people off, especially if you've known them for a long time, make like a Capricorn and prioritize yourself first when thinking about your inner circle, only keeping those who align with what you truly want around.


The moon is in your sixth house of well-being and health, which is perfect timing with your season around the corner. Make a concerted effort to create and stick to a routine that empowers you to feel and operate at your highest vibration, whether that means ditching toxic diet culture, tending to your spiritual health or eating more greens.


The full moon is warming up your fifth house of romance and self-expression. Some might think Virgos are too straight-laced to be creative, but let's not forget -- Beyoncé is literally the queen of Virgos. Embrace your inner artist and spend some time honing in on new crafts and talents you may have been picking up this summer.


Taking up space in your fourth house of domesticity and family, the Capricorn full moon wants to you to take an open and honest look at the traditions and ideals you've inherited that are no longer resonating with you. As we reach the end of the moon's cycle, now is the perfect time to reimagine what home means to you and create your own foundation.


The full moon is in your third house of communication, bolstering you to have those difficult yet necessary conversations. Have you find yourself biting your tongue to keep the peace, only to feel resentful and upset? Harness Capricorn's no-nonsense attitude and don't be afraid to speak up for yourself.


Filling out your second house of income, the Capricorn full moon is making you see green. While inflation rages on and the cost of living goes up, it can seem futile to think about finances, but now is exactly the time. Building a solid strategy to help you feel secure and safe is the ultimate form of self-love.


July's super full moon is in your first house of self, giving you permission to make it all about you. Sit down with yourself and visualize your goals, creating a plan to help you bring your dreams to fruition over the next six months. Ruled by Saturn, you're geared towards self-improvement, so this is in your wheelhouse. However, remember that experiencing joy should also be on your to-do list.


The Capricorn full moon is in your twelfth house of subconscious and intuition, shifting your attention towards your inner world. Mirror Capricorn's notorious can-do attitude, while imitating Cancer's introspective nature and use Monday night to organize your thoughts and take stock of your emotions. If an overwhelmed mind has been leading to nightmares or sleepless nights, take the time to dig deep to address what's going on in your head and your heart.


The full moon is illuminating your eleventh house of networking, compelling you to surround yourself with like-minded peers who share your vision for the future. If you've felt like you've been shouting into the void, it might be high time to branch out and find a crew that's as creative as you.

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