
Your July Monthly Horoscope and Zodiac Predictions (Hypebae)  Thu, 29 Jun 2023  Hypebae

It's officially Cancer season as we've all been donning rose-colored glasses since the summer solstice on June 21. With the start of July just a few mere days away, we're in the thick of it with the emotional water sign influencing the cosmos.

On July 1, Mercury enters Cancer, aligning with the sun to encourage effective and purposeful communication. Mercury is also all about taking risks and given that this planetary coupling is also supported by Jupiter, the ruler of luck and generosity, blessings are bound to come to those who put themselves out there. July 3 welcomes a full moon in hard-working and ambitious Capricorn. A lunation in the diligent earth sign during sentimental Cancer's month reminds you that success can come from harnessing our sensitivity. Mars enters Virgo on July 10, giving you the gusto to channel our energy into getting your life together. The very same day, Mercury enters Leo, imbuing the air with the lion's infectious confidence and bolstering your self-esteem. July 17 brings a new moon in Cancer with both the moon and the sun finding themselves in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, pushing us to look at shadow work as a catalyst for transformation and growth. The North Node and South Node will also enter Aries and Libra that day, creating some upheaval when it comes to your self-perception, as well as your relationships.

Leo season starts off with a bang as Venus goes into retrograde in the fire sign on July 22 until September 3, giving you the chance to rewind the clock and take stock of your personal and professional life. The very next day is not one to be missed as the comet Chiron begins its retrograde in Aries on July 23, offering you an opportunity to take a time out and lick your wounds. Combined with the love planet's own reversal, the end of July will be all about healing from the past and addressing the pain from residual trauma. Mercury enters Virgo on July 28, supercharging your powers of communication as the chatty planet feels at home with the meticulous earth sign. This fateful combination will sharpen your attention to detail, allowing you to be more articulate and deliberate with your words, helping us end the month on a high note after wading through emotional waters.

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