
Aries Personality Traits: Everything You Need To Know About the Zodiac Sign (HYPEBAE)  Sat, 20 Mar 2021  HYPEBAE

As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries (March 21 - April 19) are known to be courageous, ambitious and love being the first in everything. Their strong, passionate personality make them natural leaders in a team, as they build and guide their community with determination, enthusiasm and charisma. As a friend, Aries are warm, generous and are always there to protect and empower you. As a romantic partner, they are affectionate and are open about their feelings when they are attracted to someone.

Here, Sanctuary astrologer Jane Sloan details everything else you need to know about Aries, including the zodiac sign's strengths, challenges, as well as their compatibility with other signs.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.

The Western tropical zodiac coincides with the passage of the sun through the different seasons and the seasons’ developmental progression. It starts with the vernal equinox in March when Mother Earth is coming back to life after its sleepy time in winter. It is a time of new beginnings, new growth and new life. The sign of Aries reflects these traits as being an initiating energy, one that brings in new ideas, new concepts and birth. Aries is instinctual and brash, as it needs to break new ground and fight for survival as it spawns new life.

Aries is ruled by Mars.

Each sign is ruled by a planet that represents the purest manner and behaviour of that sign. Aries is the archetype of the pioneer, explorer, hero and heroine, and Mars is the courageous warrior that will go into wild terrain. Mars is the individual desire to explore "who am I?", the will to dare, the physical energy to get there.

Aries is a fire sign.

Every sign has a corresponding element -- fire, earth, air and water. These elements describe the nature of the alchemical energy embodied by the sign. Fire is an active energy that sparks, spreads and energizes, so a fire sign is one that inspires, creates, initiates and motivates.

Aries Compatibility

I have a couple of things to say about compatibility in general. First, I believe that any two signs can be compatible -- after all, we are much more than just our sun sign. Secondly, of all the signs, Aries can struggle with compatibility the most. Aries is such a self-centric and independent sign, they often fail to see the other person’s point of view, or even realize that there are two sides to a coin. It is Aries’ lesson to learn from its opposite sign Libra in ways of collaboration, communication and equality. All that being said, there are some signs that have a natural affinity with the Aries nature, making compatibility easier.

Gemini, Aquarius

The air signs Gemini and Aquarius are great matches for Aries. When you think back to the energy or element of Aries being in fire, air feeds fire and supports its capacity to thrive and grow. These air signs both enjoy their own sense of freedom and independence that this relationship rarely gets too stifling for Aries. They both enjoy new things, creative play and constant activity which Aries craves. When Aries goes off on an emotional rant, both Gemini and Aquarius are able to detach and not take the Aries' outbursts too seriously.

What sometimes lacks for Aries is the emotional intensity to keep desire burning. Having time apart and each person engaging in separate interests will allow you both to recharge your resources, so you can keep this relationship smoldering.

Leo, Sagittarius

Leo and Sagittarius also complement the passionate energy of Aries. When fire meets fire, get ready for the explosions to go off. Excitement and intensity is the name of the game -- be it sex, adventure or creative collaborations, these energies are hot. The charismatic Aries/Leo is a power couple made for the public eye. They have similar emotional needs and strong egos -- both born to lead, both live for their day in the sun. Tension in this dynamic can revolve around jealousy, as Leo gathers up its needed flattery. While the sparks are sure to fly with these two, they both have the capacity to get over fights quite easily, and the passion is so strong they will fight to keep this union intact.

An Aries/Sagittarius union is a dynamic duo meant for epic journeys and extreme adventures. While Leo requires rest and downtime, Sagittarius is rarely idle. This combo thrives by participating in activities such as a triathlon to raise money for a cause, or hiking through a remote terrain to engage with a foreign community. Issue will ensue when their belief systems clash. Aries need to concede there is more than one view, and Sagittarius can learn not to shove their beliefs down their partner's throat.

Aries Characteristics

Personality Traits

Being the first sign of the zodiac, there is a youthful innocence to Aries. They are driven by curiosity and a desire to see what is on the other side. They are often the rule breakers, testing limits and boundaries, and do not like to follow authority or the safe and trusted path. Aries love competition, as they innately feel this need to be first, fastest and in front of the line, so they will test this primal need at any opportunity. Impatient? Yes, it’s true. They will finish your sentences for you. And if they ask you to do something and you do not respond immediately, they will take that task back and complete it themselves.


Aries' energy and passion are some of their biggest assets. Aries is a heroic and daring leader, who recognizes the fear of what is ahead, but goes forth anyways in order to get to the prize. If you need someone in your corner to fight a battle, Aries will be there with bells on. Aries are optimistic and decisive with abundant energy. While they can be exhausting to watch, they will excite that needed inspiration when you feel lacking. Aries are self-starters and self-motivators, so they make great entrepreneurs as they work best independently and when they run the show.


Impatience and impulsiveness may be Aries' biggest challenges. Being stuck in a slow queue or traffic jam can make them so irritable that the shadow side may emerge as aggressive or explosive reactions. Aries will often leap before they look, which can get them into situations they really didn’t bargain for or regret. Their actions and reactions are so instinctual, that they sometimes do not realize what they have done or said until it is too late.

No sign is more competitive than Aries, and the need to win or triumph may come at the cost of trampling those in their path. This can cast a negative light of selfishness and insensitivity.

Aries Relationships

Love and Sex

Aries enters a romantic liaison fast and furiously. They smell your pheromones from across a crowded room, and they are hooked and coming in. Almost always, sexual chemistry will be the catalyst that brings you together, and preserving that flame is needed to keep you together. Aries genuinely needs to have a sense of freedom and independence, so may bolt at the first hint of being kept or restricted. Not liking the same routine or the same sexual position time and again, creative encounters and exploring new ground together will carry this passion.


In friendship, Aries can be your best ally. They are fun, caring and generous with their friends. They are up for any spontaneous game, event or outing. They will lift you when you are down. And when you are in a bind, they will rally, fight and defend you with all their might. Just be gentle if they lose that game of cards and have a little tantrum -- they always play to win, so their ego is just hurt.

At Work

Give the Aries at work their own task or assignment and let them run. With the ego boost of anonymity, they will engage all their passion and drive to see a project succeed. They are masters at developing new ideas and concepts, and are invaluable when brainstorming for the next venture.

While Aries is valued in conceptualizing and initiating, they don’t get gold stars for the follow-through. Their thoughts are already on the next endeavour, so it's best to hand over the new venture to someone who will take it to fruition.

Aries handles crisis, danger and speed of action like no other, which makes them great as frontline workers and in crisis management. They will inspire and lead a team with enthusiasm -- but don’t slack off on the job, as they will be the first to call you out.

Aries Predictions 2021

Aries may have started 2021 with a few new scars and a worn-out ego, so this is an opportunity to find your stride again and put to use what you have learned after a year of restrictions and limitations -- not easy for freewheeling Aries.

One of the overall themes for Aries in 2021 will be how you are engaging in community. What is your social responsibility, and how can you use your warrior energy to champion for the needs of others. This will also be a collective theme, but for Aries, this is the time to take action, through your own networks, using social media, friendships and work colleagues. Your super powers will come in the form of the words you use to generate inspiration, collaborations and seed initiatives. Don’t sit on inspirations -- act them out.

Jane Sloan is a professional astrologer, registered nutritionist and energy healer based in Barrie, ON, Canada. She uses integrated therapies for spiritual and physical wellness and personal growth. (Jane is also an Aries with natal Mars in Aries!) You can find Jane at her website and on Instagram.

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