
Your December Horoscope and Zodiac Predictions (Hypebae)  Fri, 02 Dec 2022  Hypebae

It's officially the last month of 2022 and while many of us are busy sharing our Spotify wrapped playlists, we're looking to the stars for some cosmic guidance for the remainder of the year.

Sagittarius season is in full swing, ushering in an energetic and confident energy over the next few weeks. The ninth sign of the zodiac is everyone's favorite because of their independent and charismatic nature, inspiring us to follow suit and move forward without fear. You'll need to be brave as Venus and Mars, which is in retrograde in Gemini, are in opposition. Venus is the planet of love and romance, while the red planet represents war and action. Being in a gridlock could lead to some bumps in relationships, as well as interpersonal issues.

A full moon in the sign of the twins on December 7 might tilt the scales in your favor as Geminis are all about communication, giving you the courage to voice your thoughts and feelings, clearly and confidently. Full moons are the perfect time to take stock of your current state of affairs, giving you the opportunity to use the power of words to bring a brighter future into fruition. While Geminis are known for their gift of gab, this also applies to the words you speak to yourself.

Jupiter rests in the water sign Pisces until December 20, offering an invitation to get creative and let your imagination run wild. The plant won’t revisit the water sign for another twelve years, making this an extra special time to dig deep. Even moreso, Neptune, Pisces’ co-ruler is also in its home sign, resulting in a dreamy overlap and heightening our powers of perception and intuition. Jupiter makes its way back to Aries on the 20th until next May, setting the scene for a slightly chaotic few months as the first sign of the zodiac is known for its fiery spirit.

Astrological buffs will be excited to learn that on December 28, we'll be entering in a Pluto return for the second time this year. A planet's return refers to its complete revolution in a certain position and its re-entry back into that spot. The first Pluto return occurred in February, when the planet of rebirth and transformation found itself in Capricorn, making it fitting that we are closing out the year with one as well.  Fun fact -- Pluto is in the same position it was when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

December 21 brings the winter solstice, urging us to imitate nature and do some shadow work, using the dark to our advantage, so that we may find the light in the new year. A new moon in Capricorn follows closely behind on the 23rd. Christmas Eve is obviously a time of fun and merriment, so mirror the goat's penchant for romanticizing their lives, using this downtime as fuel for what's ahead.

Brace yourselves though, as our last Mercury retrograde of the year takes place on the 28th of the month until January 18, putting some possible kinks in our 2023 plans. Don't be discouraged if your well-laid plans are off to a slow start as the planet's reversal is notorious for causing miscommunications and technology mishaps.

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