
The Major 2021 Astrology Predictions You Need To Know (HYPEBAE)  Thu, 11 Feb 2021  HYPEBAE

While some are comfortable with going with the flow, curious astrology enthusiasts are probably eager to know what we can expect in 2021. Last year was full of unexpected yet life-changing events, and we can only hope for this year to be full of positivity and good vibes. "We’re entering an energetic shift of something we’ve never seen before -- a new and bright chapter that will continue for years," astrologer Julia Modorsky of the Sanctuary app tells us.

Below, Modorsky gives us the lowdown on her astrology predictions for 2021, and the specific dates to look out for based on different zodiac signs. While you're at it, read our guide to surviving Mercury retrograde this year.


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What major changes can you predict for 2021?

We’ve entered an incredible new shift with an emphasis on Aquarian energies. This can be a year of immense progress, illumination, innovation and epiphany -- all for the betterment of humanity. We'll see new technology, medicines and perhaps scientific discoveries, but more of interest in the metaphysical.

We'll have a better understanding of how planetary energies influence our lives, while new developments involving space exploration will emerge. 2021 will be a period of coming together as a community, breaking free from old structures or restrictive areas in our lives in a liberating way.

It’ll be a breath of fresh air from last year, though we’re still adjusting from that heavier period of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. We won’t experience something like that again for the next 1,000 years. We’re entering an energetic shift of something we’ve never seen before -- a new and bright chapter that will continue for years. Feel free to ride any waves of futuristic change that these Aquarian energies may bring, and try not to fight the current or it might not feel as smooth of a journey forward.

With Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius in astrology, being in Taurus, this is a period of shaking up any dormant roots within you that are ready for some awesome elevation, leaving behind what you know is no longer aligned with you.

Taurus is also what we find valuable, so we may see some changes in our personal, spiritual and financial values. In addition, it’s such an important and potent time to feel your vibrational connection with nature, even something as simple as standing barefoot in the grass and tuning into that energy flow and resonance.


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Are there any signs that stand out this year? What kind of events can they expect?

Aquarius definitely stands out. Jupiter and Saturn finally entered this sign back in December 2020. It’s been about 26 years since we’ve seen Saturn in Aquarius and about 12 years since we’ve seen Jupiter in Aquarius. They haven’t aligned with one another for over 600 years, which really kicks off the energetic shifts we’ll be experiencing this year and the following years:

  • Aqua Suns will experience expansion and growth with their self-expressive natures and life force, which is what really fuels them and their spirit.
  • Aqua Moons will experience emotional nourishment. Saturn on the Moon can feel a bit heavy on the heart, though Saturn’s goal here is to increase your wisdom, commitment and maturity within.
  • Aqua Mercury will experience the expansion of mind, a plethora of new ideas and "a-ha" moments. Saturn wants focus, efficiency and serious thought.
  • Aqua Venus will experience expansion in love, feeling beautiful and social connections. Saturn's seriousness in love and connections with others will cause more desire to commit, even if in an unconventional Aquarian manner.
  • Aqua Mars will experience a burst of energy, making moves and taking action. Saturn's serious consideration of what action is best to take next will make you feel a bit restless if you’re trying to constantly be on the move with Saturn on your Mars.
  • Aqua Jupiter will experience their Jupiter Returns at some point this year (for those born with Jupiter in Aquarius). You will go through a new 12-year chapter when it comes to expansion and exploration, as well as finding what brings you joy and feeling more connected to your truth.
  • Aqua Saturn will experience their Saturn Returns at some point between now and early 2023 (for those born with Saturn in Aquarius). The astrological entrance into adulthood will commence, bringing on a new 29-year chapter. Jupiter moving on your Saturn can bring new opportunities towards furthering your goals this year.

Taurus and Scorpio in any placement (Sun, Moon, Venus, etc.) will have similar experiences, but more of a challenge towards growth because they will experience "squares" with the Aqua energies. Focus on refinement like the making of a diamond. Communication and ideas will be challenged for Taurus and Scorpio Mercury, which you’ll learn to really get this area of your life down.

Leo in any placement can feel a push-and-pull type of energy with the above Aqua energies. The key here is to learn balance. Leo Venus will learn how to balance love and relationships, while Leo Mars will learn how to balance passions, activities, energy and drive.

Libra and Gemini placements will experience a harmonious flow of energy with the current Aqua planets. Having Scorpio Venus and Libra Mercury may have to break patterns to grow and develop your relationships or to embrace new social experiences. On the bright side, you will have a nice flow when it comes to communicating your thoughts and expanding the mind.

Cancer and Virgo placements might feel somewhat uncomfortable with Aquarius (quincunx astrological angle), which is important for them to reconcile any differences or any lack of feeling on the same page with this Air sign.

Aries and Sagittarius may feel as if the Aqua energies are aiding them this year.


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What are some dates to look out for and why?

January 30 - February 20: Mercury retrograde will occur. It is a period of introspection and greater understanding in an area of our lives. The Mercury retrogrades last year were in Water signs most of the time. This year, they'll all be in Air signs.

April 27 - October 6: Pluto Retrograde will occur. Locate 26°48’ to 24°18’ Capricorn on your chart to understand which area of your life Pluto will go "backward." You will experience inward transformation. Allow yourself to reflect on where you feel powerful within.

May 23 - October 10: Saturn Retrograde. Locate 13°31’ to 6°52’ Aquarius on your chart to see how this retrograde will affect you. Reflect on your goals and areas where you may feel inward restrictions, as well as how you can break free from them and grow wiser.

May 29 - June 22: Second Mercury Retrograde of the year.

June 20 - October 17: Jupiter Retrograde. Locate 2°11’ Pisces to 22°19’ Aquarius on your chart to know how this retrograde will affect you. You will experience inward expansion and growth. Allow yourself to reflect on where you find joy and what brings you laughter. This can be a philosophical period of exploration.

June 25 - December 1: Neptune Retrograde. Locate 23°11’ to 20°24’ Pisces on your chart to know how this retrograde will affect you. You will experience a deeper connection to the spiritual realms, your dreams or subconscious. Allow yourself to reflect on the universe and further develop your meditative techniques.

July 15 - December 19: Chiron Retrograde. Locate 12°55’ to 8°26’ Aries on your chart to know how this retrograde will affect you. You will go through a healing period as you become introspective about what wounds you may hold within from previous experiences in life or past lives. You will gain greater consciousness and awareness through this understanding and healing.

August 19 - January 18: Uranus Retrograde. Locate 14°47’ Pisces to 10°49’ Taurus on your chart to know how this retrograde will affect you. You will experience inward revolution and illumination. Allow yourself to reflect on what you’d like to change. You will also go through many inner breakthroughs.

Mars Transits:

March 3: Mars enters Gemini - active communication, passionate speech and desire to learn.

March 26: Mars aligns with North Node - active towards moving forward in life.

April 23: Mars enters Cancer - active emotion, creation and heart.

June 11: Mars enters Leo - actively expressive and exuberant.

July 3: Mars squares Uranus - can be erratic or dynamic energy.

July 29: Mars enters Virgo - active towards health, healing, gaining consciousness, organization, cleanliness and the daily routine.

September 14: Mars enters Libra - active social life, passionate relationships, desire for justice, peace, love and harmony.

October 30: Mars enters Scorpio - active transformation, investigation and powerful drive.

December 13: Mars enters Sagittarius - free-spirited activity, easier to go with the flow and speak your truth.

Jupiter Transits:

May 13: Jupiter enters Pisces - spiritual and dream-like expansion, soulful joy and exploring what’s beyond or deep within.

July 28: Jupiter re-enters Aquarius, which is back to futuristic expansion.

December 28: Jupiter re-enters Pisces and won’t be back in Aquarius for the next 12 years.

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