Founded by designer Lera Zhilyova in 2014, Zhilyova Lingerie is a Ukrainian label known for advocating against body shaming and bullying. As part of its diversity initiative, the brand has teamed up with self-love activist and Russian model KhrystyAna on a new high-waist brief."Loving yourself means establishing what feels safe for you, even if the world says otherwise or pushes you to follow in someone’s footsteps. You already know, what’s the safest way for you. Just listen to yourself," K...
Jil Sander and UNIQLO revived their iconic collaborative +J line back in November 2020. Now, the duo is set to release a follow-up collection for the Spring/Summer 2021 season.Speaking to UNIQLO's LifeWear Magazine about her Fall/Winter 2020 +J collection, Sander explained: "I do not work with visions or muses, neither with a mood board only. My creativity relies on the fitting and experimenting with fabrics. I exclude and at the same time push in certain directions. As I said, my eyes are fine...
As the world continues to adapt to the "new normal" lifestyle amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, lingerie and loungewear have become the fashion staples for many. To help keep your intimates drawer stylish and eco-friendly, we've compiled a list of sustainable underwear brands that you can consider for your next purchase.A commonly known fact today, fashion is among the most polluting industries in the world, with its production causing issues such as water pollution, carbon emissions and ...
Having released its Spring 2021 collection last week, Palace is back with yet another collaboration. This time around, the streetwear imprint has tapped Stella Artois, a pilsner brewed by Brouwerij Artois in Belgium.Creating a collection dubbed "PALACE ARTOIS," the duo celebrates the UK's much-missed pub culture. "Stella Artois is our favorite beer of all time. It looks amazing, it is delicious and it’s always occupied a unique place in our culture: visually and psychically," Palace shares in...