13 Reasons Why star Tommy Dorfman reveals she quietly married her partner Elise."I married my best friend and didn’t tell anyone," Dorfman wrote in her Instagram announcement. According to the American actor, the couple has been married for a "few weeks" after deciding to "celebrate this our way."The couple tapped the most viral wedding trend of the moment: defying wedding norms. Beginning with secrecy, they only notified one friend, Hunter Abrams, who photographed their special moment. They...
Welcome to your new safe space and Hypebae's first-ever sex and dating column, Ask a (S)expert. This new weekly series is led by Haitian-Chinese and LA-based sexpert Gigi Fong, our in-house sex and dating editor.Gigi is a former sex worker, boudoir artist and podcaster now hosting safe spaces for the Hypebae community. She specializes in all things sex-positive from unconventional dating to pleasure for lovers of all identities. To have your questions answered, visit our dropbox below and an...
It's that time of the year again girlies: the MET Gala. This year's theme, The Garden of Time, is set to deliver the most ethereal moments. But it's Hypebae -- we're lover girls too! -- so we're voting on another pop culture moment: celebrity couples and their hard launches. This year, the baes took to Instagram to place their votes and we're reeling at the results.Last year, the event's organizer Anna Wintour hard launched her bae, Bill Nighy, and it has us thinking, "Who else is hard laun...
Challengers... Zendaya... threesomes... it's all anyone's talking about after the film's April release. In case you're feeling inspired by pop culture's obsession with throuples and threesomes, leading sex toy company, Lovehoney taps its expert Annabelle Knight for her top tips.As exciting as triads, another name for throuples, may seem, they can open a world of complications. Knight says, "If you’re in a relationship, bringing up the topic of threesomes, or anything new in the bedroom with...