
Nuclear Bombs and Ground Troops that's old: Cyber Wars Begin

admin   Sun, 23 Oct 2016  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

The Jester's Court 

Let's let out a quick secret. the U.S. is currently in Syria and so is Russia, and China. What the issue is that they are boiling over, I have no clue but there are threats that this turmoil could grow into something much bigger, and I mean Nuclear big: 

Well, I guess I am a bit old school in my thinking at this point because the last Nuclear escapade started back in 1940 something with the Cold War after the disastrous World War II that almost wiped out half of the earth's population. What does Cold War mean: It means that there is a war eminent but the parties  at hand are basically pushing their weights on the bench screaming to show the other party, Don't mess with me or else.  Well, that little cold war probably created the greatest economic times in U.S. history as each country (Russia and USA) were pushing their technology frontier with no bounds in the attempt to make sure they had the latest injection of steroids for the battle. 

So let's get ready and start the research well hold the phone do you necessarily have to Bomb out your party to win a war, must there be a blood bath. Well, the old sergeant thinks so, well old sergeant hold on I'm a millennial and I can destroy the enemy in a systemic way and have them begging to their knees. Enter in the coming Cyberwar, yea I said it. The new soldiers on the front line can't shoot a gun but can handle the mouse and C# immaculately. 

So what could happen in a cyber war, a crash in the stock market, a shutdown of your power grid, why not shoot a nuclear bomb to yourself. This change in focus has created a great need for the IT folks the following areas are the specialty of IT industries the key focal in the Cyberwar called Security areas of focus: 

  • Internet Security 
  • Information Security 
  • Mobile Security 
  • Network Security 

The level of threats can range to Trojan viruses, keyloggers, denial of service, eavesdropping, computer crime the opportunities are endless.  So the king of the U.S. army has a nick name that is funny but quite deadly the name of this vehicle is called THE JESTER hero code nicknamed the Hacktivist . This Hactivist has to be a U.S. ally or the U.S. government itself due to the things that he attacks.  This dude apparently has a tough military background and wanted to stop Jihadist thus creating a script in Dos called Xerxe3s to interrupt any of the hacking potential coming from the middle east or any threat to the U.S. 

Has the battlegrounds of war changed to what kind of microchip you can have in your PC, that's exactly what it has changed from think of the damage that shutting down the grid for 2 months would do to americans vs a nuclear bomb. Eliminating the communication, the banking, and the food resources would allow us to implode on ourselves. I am going a little to heltah skelta but that is how people think when there is war. So what's the purpose of all of this warfare literature, Macheene is meant to drive new ideas for future businesses. If your an IT Cyber Security maybe the most critical area of IT to jump in. Just to give you food for thought the IT security business is $75 billion currently and it is set to implode to over $170 billion in a few years. You want to know about spending over 2 trillion set to be invest over the next 5 years......Enough said. 

Top Cybersecurity companies: 

  1. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
  2. Symantec 
  3. IBM
  4. Dell
  5. Palo Alto Networks
  6. Cisco
  7. Fortinet - Security Appliances 
  8. Proofpoint 
  9. FireEye Defense Provider 
  10. Herjavec Group Consultants 
  11. RSA