
It's part of America and they speak spanish: Buying Opportunity Opens Puerto Rico

admin   Tue, 30 Aug 2016  MACHEENE | Report Abuse Back in the old times the first explorers would conquest a side meet up in the middle and start to fight on who was there first or on who should own the property. Puerto Rico was the king of war in those days but an unrecognized name came in from the Kingdom of Spain to claim the country for his beloved SPAIN. Can we guess who it is ahh yes good ol Christo Columbus does it again. Defeating the Dutch, French, and British wasn't easy but mixing spanish with the Native people, we forget there were other folks there called "The Taino"  who were called by the spanish Boriken hence the term where Boricua came from.   

Still do to it being one of the main routes to entering the America's it was a place of constant battles even after Columbus settled setting up one of epic second attempts by the Dutch forces to conquer the island which brought about the beautiful large walls and baracades that surround the main city of San Juan which was the center hub for trading in the West Indies.  During the 18th century the multicultural shift began when spain began to focus its activities on South America the industrial growth began bringing a strong wave of creole and slave populations. This growth turned the tables on the immigrated spanish who called this home and locals who wanted to take over ownership of there island. This was also primarily driven by the Merchant trading that now played a dominant role in all of the economies of scale on the Western Hemisphere. Spain wanted to keep a stronghold of the island and like many civil wars or wars between parties they attempted to tip the scales of favorable voters to the crown by calling by importing 500,000+ plus pro crown spanish, and introducing various european nations by extendinng the native languages to french, spanish, and english (also freeing all slaves). There was also free land given to this european immigrants titlting the scale on the establishment and starting the history of what I call an International Country.....

So the story extends but this is about real estate and how the changes in the industry created influences in house design take a look at what Puerto Rico offers now with a slight economic collapse due to what some say are the following factors:

- When Goverment get's to big something happens, plus when you pay a fitness study advistor makes 152K a year
- Trying to align with the U.S. but your not the US, apparently the minimum wage continues to match the USA when you can't support that with your job structure
- When your broke, you should not issue more debt to get out of your indebtness 
- Not moving with technology embracing the technology fad 
- Big Unions and Big Goverment want the money to continue to rain in, but where will it come from therefore we have a bankruptcy

Historically what does Bankruptcy actually mean. It means an entrance of depressed housing price that reach a low that can only increase in a matter of time. So let's take a look at what were finding across the land of beautiful beaches, fortresses, and a history of recovery: 

San Juan is currently what I would call the West Indian LA. Imagine being able to buy this for 250K - 700K in LA and its surrounding area: