
Who Says your house is not Smart Enough: Samsung SmartThings

admin   Wed, 06 Jul 2016  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

Samsung SmartThings 

Who says you have to buy a whole new home attached with fiber optics throughout the walls and specialty background posts to have a smart home. Samsung says forget about it and gives you the Smart Things Technology.

Samsung’s keying in the technology already built in to create a remote hub that connects to your internet router that allows you to control various aspects of your home. The great thing about the smart things technology is that it’s a techology that can talk to miriad of devices from different brands which makes implementation turn key as your routers ability to connect the internet and an smart things outlet.

To start the smart things focus on a few key areas with expansion expected to continue to grow in the next couple of years:

The Hub think of this as your brain, this coupled with your smart phones starts your motions:

Protection - Home monitoring Kit that allows you to be home at all times
Arrival Sensor - Alerts for when someone walks
Motion Sensor - Smart technology for security and lighting, monitor your baby if you wish.
Water Sensor - Watch your water, if there is a leak it will tell save money

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what the Smart Things technology can do. Talk about how, the smart things uses ZWAVE radio technology which would probably be able to be put out signal from the depths of a cemetery to interact and talk to the various smart connections. So I used Samsung smart things because of it’s commonality and the name brand recognition. This is not the only or the most advanced systems in the future we will talk about Fibaro another fully automated system in which it thinks for you so know remote control needed from your phone for control.

The cost of a home entertainment set: $249 Retail. Not to shabby in getting the latest in technology.

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