
Autonomous Cars the beginning of mass AI technology?

admin   Sun, 01 Nov 2015  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

Autonomous Cars the beginning of mass AI technology?

How far have we come as a race where just over a 100 years ago we were riding horses and building houses from wood. The transformation of this technology to reality has been rapid and now all the Star Trek, Star Wars, and Jetson movies have some pertinence. I guess dreaming concepts is no longer a tall tale meant for kids who have a rough time sleeping, dreams can now mean something we may die before seeing it but something that we dream could actually become a reality. Let’s get into the Semantics of what we have now.

Autonomous Technologies Possibilities:

Autonomous Cars – Well Publicized this is essentially your car driving itself. The benefits range from less accidents, better gas mileage, and maybe just maybe for your bigger cities less traffic. Think of this of having a cheap driver at all times. I guess you don’t need to be a millionaire after all.

Smart War Technology – Ahh Yess, X-MEN fans the Sentinel returns. This is a great step forward with military technology the ability to have smart robots, missilies, and aircraft that our programmed to think a mission through just as a human would. This is all sounds great but won’t we all just X ourselves out eventually. Why not make an autonomous cleaning machine, or farm something that benefits the good for humanity. 

Autonomous Commerce – Imagine going to a fast food location and just driving in with a robot having your meal already prepared based upon knowing your diet or favorite orders. Walking into a store walking out with an item without needing to go to register as it would automatically charge to your cell phone or soon to be released smart card.

We can go on for days with these new possibilities now let’s look at industries that benefit and what you can buy and sell here on Macheene:

Let’s think about what Autonomous would need:

We use neurons to feed ourselves thoughts computers use chips and circuits:

    • Free Scale Semi-conductor (FSL) (Search for Semi Conductor companies for more information)

Your brain than needs a mode in which to see (think of maps and stop signs)

  • Map Companies – Google (GOOG maybe GOOGL in the future), Include APPLE and Baidu
  • Sensors (detection software) – Mobile eye
  • Camera’s

Central source for communication (Think Left Brain/Right Brain)

  • Think of Cell Phone Towers , you would need a centralized communication center for all these new Autonomous vehicles, that’s until they completely think on their own
    • Delphi, Tesla

How do we fuel these neurons: Batteries and Charges


This is a small step for mankind and big step in the right direction for ideas and your pockets.

Take the next step post a crowdfunding ad or buy product for these industries. Macheene has both tools available, sign up and than create campaign to fund your Autonomous Idea