
Throw Away the Key you don't need it anymore: Kevo

admin   Sat, 09 Apr 2016  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

Who ever thought there would be a day, when technological advancement would totally supersede the rate of humans ability to find substitute work or acclimate to the new industry. In this day area the next group up for the butchering block will be in the key making spectrum. More than ever in this era I have thought about when my time will come. When instead of writers we will have bots that will be able to think independently for themselves with AI movies such as Ex Machina, Terminator, and Chappie one has to think we are creating our obsolescence as someone must’ve done for us. In the quotes of most historical greats, mankind will find away to destroy itself just as stars and planets do so through the evolutionary pattern of life. Enough of the shakespear and back to a new product that makes life a little bit easier

So you are on a trip to Europe you pack your keys in your little carry on bag, though you have everything all mapped out you have such a great time mountain biking and buying all the local fashion that you forget to pack one important thing before making your return and you realize that once you sit in the aircraft. So now back in the states you have a dilemma no key no house yes no car as well but its a push start so there is some ways around this.

Now you can call a locksmith over he may be able to break in, or smash your window open or attempt to jump in through the chimney or you get the New Smart Lock Technology.. One of the leaders in this industry is a brand called Kwikset you heard of them, there probably on your lock now. The Kevo is a new smart lock technology meant to change the way we think of Keys.

I used this an example because it still has a keyhole just in case but where we are headed to currently in the market climate is keyless and there are several available options. So what does this smartlock do, it makes your phone your key. See you phone is now appendage to your body, so you losing your phone is slim pickens to you losing your keys because why would you need that on a international trip. Let’s take a look at what makes this technology great and why we will see this implemented to other aspects of our lives including our car, our jobs, banks.

So all of that long talk just to give you a video hopefully you enjoy the latest tech, in other news as far as smart technology for investment look at network and semiconductor companies for additional profits in your portfolio.