
Life has totally changed and industries are going leaving us left and right, meet the servicing Kryptonite: The Smart Phone

admin   Sun, 13 Mar 2016  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

Life has totally changed and industries are going leaving us left and right, meet the servicing Kryptonite: The Smart Phone

As technology continues progress and humanity proceeds with the upper swing of evolution where are brains are able to create more and more things we meet a new game changer. This invention was greater than the first flight of an aircraft or the creation of the first atomic bomb. See in a world where we create for the better of mankind (notice how I left out the earth for any tree huggers pardon me) we are now embarking on the shifting paradigm that will force all those who are not in on the technology bandwagon to jump on board. The evolution of the computer on wheels has grown exponentially. I could build a list of things we do differently today from ten years ago let’s start with:

  1. Maps than move to
  2. Banking and Business
  3. Switch from letters to email (communication) now the new Travel, Transportation, and Education are changing

This is truly a new era in the landscape of technology so what’s next, what will the Smart Phone take over maybe it will be able to create food. The fear of technology is one of the more menacing villains today but if you don’t know what the Secret Society is creating it’s a world of higher intelligence. Now intelligence is sometimes based upon your experience and environment so if all the easy stuff is done for us what’s next in the game for us to focus on. That’s all part of evolution but I can guarantee you it will be surrounded by technology in some form or fashion unless the aliens or meteorites cause a cataclysmic scenario were our grids are knocked out and the folks with less brain cells are left ala “me”. So from the days of having computers that were as big as a football team to having the same power in the palm of your head.

Small game changers that we will see affecting our daily lives in the next 5 years:

• Keys: What we use for various entry points will change ex: Cars with no keys, Opening door with phone, full identification of credentials
• Driverless modes of transportation including cars, planes, trains technically do this already
• Construction – Automated build
• Elimination of human service related jobs (Bank tellers/phone customer support)
What does this paradigm shift mean, it means are focus will be on other things that may drive society and the stock market to a higher level one that hasn’t been seen before?

Background History:
- Smart mobile phone invented by IBM (1993)
- Steve Jobs made the mobile phone popular with the release of the Iphone. (2007)