
Big City Housing that are being hit by a Good Job Market?? International Look....

admin   Mon, 05 Aug 2019  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

Big City Housing that are being hit by a Good Job Market??

What the hell are you saying here, well let me be frank the times are just like a Pyramid and the lowest person on the pole that is finally getting a chance to pay in when the top of the pyramid is ready to blow the dollars from its Cou (that stands for neck, no google search needed). That means getting in when everyone else is getting out, the USA is an especially vibrant fabric one that can utilize many vehicles for income but its hallmark is innovation and intellectual property, let me break that down that is Making Dreams a Reality, then allowing others to use your dreams with a slight fee that pays you for coming up with it.  So all of this financial rederick leads me to what point, we all know that it's been a technological armageddon from companies such as Uber, to Amazon what I call the disrupters to the hand to hand, mom and pop systems that we are so used to. As the disrupters have had a need for additional programmers, which in my opinion has replaced the factory worker, at a much higher pay scale the problem is the location for all of these technological opportunities and the results of wage inflation. 

These are some of the cities that are seeing the highest job growth, but with demand comes the one advantage serve for any property manager or home seller, more costs even if it doesn't need to be, it's just the game and you rake in where you can, as there is always a chance that your couple of rocks from being pulled out from under your pyramid from falling over. The positive impact to the base of the pyramid the job seeker is a higher wage growth but don't worry everyone around you from the restaurants to the housing developers know this and will increase their costs accordingly to take away from your monthly forced donation (rent, mortgage payment) that you have to pay from your job :-) .... All jokes aside let's look at the markets internationally than locally so you can see the squeeze, and how in one area in California 100K a year is considered poor (Yea San Francisco). 

Let's start in the far east ... I could go with Hong Kong and Shenzhen the big names but let's go into the game starter with a known entity by the name of "Shanghai". So 1st thing 1st what is the average salary, job growth area, home price, etc. in this area will get this broken down so it's easy to look at, all properties are reflecting the range of the average 1 bedroom apartment costs with sizes ranging from the following (500 Sq Ft to 1200 Sq Ft) , we focus on finding the lowest cost but will have the costs of the most wanted area for a side by side comparison....(Brooklyn vs the South Bronx get my drift): 

City: Shanghai, China 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $1,194
Average Rent 1 Bdrm (USD): $1,039 - $3,558 
Average Home Price (USD): $1.2 Million (Size 950 - 1200 Sq Ft.)  
Job Growth Area: Manufacturing/Technology 

See how those numbers don't work the strong economic giant of Shanghai is facing an affordability issue, hence why you see a lot of folks having 6 to 7 people chilling out in a 1 bdrm or managing to find hostels that just offer a room to sleep in. If you're looking to build smart/small footprint homes China is the zone that could use your specialties. It's also no wonder why Chinese are rushing to the U.S.A to buy properties. Even with this footprint, China has several more affordable areas including up and coming Shenzhen, and Hangzhou which makes a tad bit easier but the rapid rise will quickly engulf these areas as well. 

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $1,039 U.S. Dollars 


City: London, England 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $4,333
Average Rent (USD): $1,569  - Wanted Area - $4,500 
Average Home Price (USD): $568,680
Job Growth Area: Financial Technology 

After seeing China everything looks good. Rule of thumb 30% and under of your monthly salary should be on rent. London offers a strong job industry but relatively high rents when you consider these prices are for a small 1 bdrm. I will say there are several places with higher rents but the property costs leave you no room to buy this is where London fails all of it's up and comers. 

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $1, 569 U.S. Dollars 


 San Francisco, California 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $6,700
Average Rent (USD): $3,203 Wanted Area - $5,100 
Average Home Price (USD): $1.1 Million
Job Growth Area: Technology 

After seeing China everything looks good. The tech giant of the U.S.A your eclipsing the 50% mark within the city center. All I got to say is Cowboy Boots and Hats, as most teams are resorting to leave and move to the Southcentral region of America to have a better lifestyle and who can blame them. 

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $3,300 U.S. Dollars


Tel Aviv, Israel 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $2,500
Average Rent (USD): $1,433 Wanted Area - $3,200
Average Home Price (USD): $1.0 Million
Job Growth Area: Technology 

Holy Holy, I see why we need to pray a lot in Israel home to great culture, but if you're in the city Center much greater costs.

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $1,500 U.S. Dollars


New York, New York 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $4,875
Average Rent (USD): $3,109 Wanted Area - $6,500
Average Home Price (USD): $1.3 Million
Job Growth Area: Technology 

Yes seriously no one can beat New York, but once you fly in and experience the traffic, smell of walking vendors all over no one can help admirer the city of relentless persistence. I grew up 15 minutes in JERZY..(Say with Italian voice) so I am terribly biased. 

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $3,200 U.S. Dollars


City: Chicago, Illinois 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $4,216
Average Rent (USD): $1,846 Wanted Area - $3,500
Average Home Price (USD): $362,000
Job Growth Area: Technology 

New York's Cousin with more sense. Folks look at the Average Home Costs this looks pretty good compare to big cousin NY. 

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $1,900 U.S. Dollars


 Toronto, Canada 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $2,634
Average Rent (USD): $1,584 Wanted Area - $3,200
Average Home Price (USD): $784,000
Job Growth Area: Technology 

New York's Aunt with more sense. This is really close to New York in so many ways and even has a China Town but your going to pay.  

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $1,600 U.S. Dollars


City: Singapore, Singapore 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $2,910
Average Rent (USD): $2,009 Wanted Area - $4,600
Average Home Price (USD): $1.6 Million 
Job Growth Area: Technology 

A little to close to the pockets on this one, though they have the most lenient business laws you can't help but wonder how the East is coping with there rapid rising of technology and pro-business methodology. Once you have a rich international influence in the form of concessions your winning in more ways than one. 

Example of average apartment picture that equates to roughly: $2,000 U.S. Dollars


City: Paris, France 
Average Monthly Income - Advanced College Degree (USD): $2,434
Average Rent (USD): $1,291
Average Home Price (USD): $1.1 Million
Job Growth Area: Technology 

Parle Vu Francais, better Parle Vu Money in this city half of your money goes to rent. If you been to Paris there is no question why the city has it all, this and Rome really take my heart as cities that have multiple personalities with a strong international community, great transit, and big city advantages...But it pays the cost to be the boss 

Example of average apartment that equates to roughly: $1,300 U.S. Dollars