
Hey I don't want a house...I just need a LOFT!! A LOFT WHAT THE........

admin   Tue, 30 Apr 2019  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

Hey I don't want a house...I just need a LOFT!! A LOFT WHAT THE........

We know the storylines at some point in your life you get the notion that a house or a condo is the way to go when you look at life as a grown up. As you start your search begin to wonder if there are other options something that is more open you know open Airy probably a converted fire station or industrial park. Well, you probably haven't thought of this but today is a new day so you can tell anyone that care's that you are not looking for a house or a condo but it's a Loft you will see yourself in as you garner your grown-up credentials. What the hell is that some may ask if you show them small pictures of your hunt you will find some questioning what the hell your looking into, cause these Lofts though airy can have an industrial feel with open ducts showing, or how about a fire escape within the house no matter your thoughts this is the latest fad, for city dwellers looking for space. I can attest I am great fan and favor it over the traditional so watch how biased I get through the rest of this article: 

What is a Loft: You got your "Hard Lofts" which are generally Industrial Buildings converted into residential space or "Soft Lofts" newly constructed buildings meant to mimic your industrial space either or they usually have high ceilings and large open space. Location of these lofts usually are found in a larger city near you, but as highlighted any industrial park that has been abandoned can be converted. 

So in an era where you can literally find a date with a swipe (Tinder), summons a normal driver to pick you up in their car (Uber), and travel and transform languages with the click (Babble) why not get some disruption to the housing industry and convert some of these older industrial parks that are bound to get blown up due to everything being PHONE LIMITED - meaning everything available in your hands. 

Let's take a look at this market explosion and a couple of looks at lofts that may help your mind grow into the Loft Phenomena: 











Ahh the loft, God Bless Industrial.......