
Production Can't Stop, We Will Build it in Tents I tell you!!! TESLA & SPRUNG

admin   Sat, 23 Jun 2018  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

Production Can't Stop, We Will Build it in Tents I tell you!!! TESLA 

Musk says we can when you can't what happens when the factory lights go out because your pushing too many Model S's and Model X's well Uh Hum here cometh the Model 3 to a hut near you. Get this Elon Musk came up with the idea on a camping trip in the Florida Everglades if gators can make it why can't the model 3. All jokes aside this is a guy that knows no bounds and could careless about anything of normalcy. The term Trailblazer should be Musk's claim to fame he could care less what you consider to be the proper way. Let's stop again it's working, though Tesla has been unable to meet there intended goal there able to beat out the current growing pains of mass production. That leads me to this ... 


What are the dimensional's put it this way Bears would have a tough time finding you. 

1,000 feet long, 150 feet wide, and 53 feet tall, the tent covers 137,250 square feet. Yea that's like almost 3 Giant football stadiums.

Who makes these types of concoctions in a short time span viable well the company is SPRUNG  and they make a membrane, the composite includes a strong aluminium substructure that antithesizes itself with a high-performance architectural membrane. Specific highlights include a Kynar Coated or Dupont TEDLAR, that can make these tents last longer than 25 years. Think of the aluminium and the membrane combine with each other to make a spider web of strength designed to keep you afloat and your manufacturing unaffected by sudden needs such as another line to build a model 3. Tesla's tent up in a mere 2 weeks how do you like those apples, Bathrooms and all. 


When planning a business your ideas truly mean something to you, then extended planning is needed and when we say reach for the starts we mean plan for the stars no blame to Musk but Tesla popularity may have caught them off guard. Get the orders and figure it out later, play some important factors for those who play the conservative route Pre Ship orders can cancel / Brand reliability is a big factor in long-term success. Some folks can't help it they need to have the technology but there is an end to the road and Tesla is close to reaching it. On top of the Quality issues and the lack of a network to support all of its repairs times are dwindling can Tesla rest upon its brand identity for survival well there is no safer bet than a salesman/innovator like Elon Musk at the helm. 


Actions speak louder than words and MUsks is making good on his promise to produce or atleast making every attempt under his natural power, including sleeping in the office. THIS STORY IS ABOUT WILL... IN THIS BUSINESS CLIMATE CAN YOU KEEP IT. KEEP PUSHING GET THERE. YES ALL CAPS SO YOU RECOGNIZE THE PURPOSE . 


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