
I told you about Crypto Earlier in the Year is now the time????? Another rant

admin   Sat, 21 Oct 2017  MACHEENE | Report Abuse Another Rant: 

Macheene is focused on the commodities but we also take stab at currency as it is a means for one to purchase an asset such as Real Estate, Auto's, or Clothing. This year blockchain explanation told you the baseline and some of the reasons to use cryptocurrency. Now we embark on the war of who's or what cryptos will stay on top. Sometimes folks are to old to understand a new trend, its kind of like the Beatles transition in the 50's and 60's your parents just couldn't get it and did not see a future look how that turned out.  Example of this, the internet, the cell phone, computer bla bla bla .... now we are in the digitized era where young kids are comfortable with doing everything virtually that includes in virtual money I believe this transition will come sooner than we think and I believe it will happen its all in the evolution of life. 

 To recap what is blockchain, let's call it a one of kind Mozart painting can you replicate it No, does it have a safety net unlike Mozart this is a one of a kind painting on a mass scale that can split into many pieces each entity holding its own value. So what makes this one so important, I can split paper distribute it and share the same value, but where is the safety in that? Someone can come to your house and take your paper how will manage the sharing of your paper for transactions. This is where the block comes in see this tool comes with a safety net, and it also offers the capabilities to do multiple transactions to be done at once simultaneously instead of the dreaded transfer wait into a space that you cannot technically control. At the end of the day, no one has been able to promise safety with transactions that blockchain can and this will be based upon the platform it is built on. Money is not safe digital value is transparent, cannot be corrupted and do to everyone being on the same platform the elimination of the middleman and the dreaded transaction fee. You can become the bank lend, share, at your leisure to anyone with a crypto wallet. I don't want to jump into the upcoming technologies because we are currently in start-up mode, call this dial-up but the founder of Ethereum a popular crypto platform has already created a possible part called Cardano and it works for the tangle but that's words for next year. 

Could this bubble burst like a balloon touching the ozone, HELL YES, could it morph into a new currency and have you biting your tongue YES, this is the ultimate risk/reward for a company. But conceptually when you think about time and adjustment something have no basis like why is Facebook really worth that much money, how is Amazon better than Ebay it's the slight changes that make the difference and though this may seem big it is just digitizing something that we already use currency (Yes I am trying to convince you). 

Other tools of blockchain:

1. Your going to get paid faster 
2. If your poor waiting for humanitarian aid won't take weeks but minutes  
3. New more crypted storage locations for data servers more secure harder to break 
4. More open market business, and more secure seller and buyer the truth comes to light here, if you have a bad review guess what no one can erase it .. so you could start selling your solar power to entire network of users becoming your own Duke, PS&G in minutes 

The storyline is endless but the key takeaway is freedom. 

If your looking for some coursework or additional information on the Crypto crazy just for reference click on the links below they should be of some help. 

Crypto Investing Pro - Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency made easy
Click Here!

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency
Click Here!