
Elon what else do you want to take over: HOUSING - Solar Roofs

admin   Fri, 12 May 2017  MACHEENE | Report Abuse

So there is no doubt that Tesla has become a game changer in the car market, their rise was unexpected as we always say investors can only predict what they know and the next big thing is not always in front of your eyes. Is Tesla working to complete another knockout but in another industry that could use the energy help, and we're talking about housing. The roof panel industry is something that is more widely acceptable and easily attainable vs than a rolling refrigerator (Sorry Tesla model X).

What is needed to turn a house into a small Duke Energy plant, well a little background to why this is such a fascinating invention is the fact that you can wake up and see this power each day. Unless a meteor hits us a soon you can actually feel the power of the sun, if your up North I am sorry but one ticket to Florida in August and the Sun power makes sense. See what happens is a chemical reaction very simply if you get a gash in your skin and you expose it to different environments it has a reaction that comes to your skin. The same thought process can be applied, to the reaction of sun to these panels and what makes the heir apparent to your skin are the semi-conductors that cause Electrons to want to go haywire which in effect powers something.

The end result  at a high level (mt. helena levels) is a module that converts that energy into power that can be used in your home. So how sweet is that, outside of the normal green earth saviour's I cost 50% more than regular solar panels but I'll save you 100% over 10 years which is a positive to the earth but a negative to your wallet.  

So what is Tesla offering: outside of a tile with power when the sun comes up, how about saved power when it all goes down. Tesla's solar roof can act as a power generator. The pieces that make this happen is through the use of a powerwall this is the module thing I was talking about up top that transfers the power from the panels to your house. So what;s going on with the Solar Glass, it's glass how will it hold up Tesla claims that this glass can withstand hailstone traveling at 100 mph. 

Let's get a cost model, like I said you got to pay for helping mother earth this is a cost model you can adjust on the Tesla website the reference is a 3 BD's home: 

That's just the cost for the power wall for additional quotes on the tile themselves you will have to call Tesla and set up a custom quote. Very ineresting times but I think Tesla is setting up to be the next General Electric not car maker.