
Do you see what you did Uber: BOOK by CADILLAC

admin   Mon, 16 Jan 2017  MACHEENE | Report Abuse Do you see what you did Uber: BOOK by CADILLAC

A new innovation hit the marketplace and a few companies took the lead in displacing the I need a car a model to the new mindstate of getting a car when you need it. In 2009 a company in San Francisco became the market leader in this new word for a Taxi service using an APP. The companies name was Uber, devoid of 800#'s for service calls to get to a destination and personnel overhead reduced to highly Artificial intelligence the company started to break ground in 2011 and was followed by several other pseudo companies who were there to lay a dent in the taxi business. This new movement called ridesharing (the concept get driven by anyone with a driver's license )The problem is that dent is forecasted to spill over to car sales because with ride-sharing services you don't need ass many cars, though it's been a good 5 year run for the auto's times is a changing and as a company you don't want to get blindsided by unknown technology and a company like Uber. So ride sharing plus electric cars are changing the game so what is the path for Legacy manufacturers like Lexus or Cadillac do you stay stagnant or innovate into a new direction. Cadillac has made a decision that it will not rest on all 4s and have the rug pulled from underneath them you want a ride-sharing service, forget about Uber get it when you buy your car receive these additional services automatically.

Cadillac has introduced BOOK a new way of looking at the driver experience. 

So what is it? It offers the ability to test a myriad of models from Cadillac without the hassle of insurance, or lease premiums, or maintenance. Simply order it and receive a concierge with the delivery of your car. This is On Demand like service. 

What could be better than requesting a new model of vehicle and receiving it for as long as you need? That means buyer remorse gets shorter and your paychecks actually stay in your pocket longer. So who fits to win in this the consumer and it was all brought about from the push of San Francisco ride-sharing services. So this is a subscription service but let's look at what is included for 12 months and a round table of 18 cars to choose from including Cadillac V-Series vehicles. 


At this time Cadillac limits you to the following vehicles, don't be so hard on yourself: 

  • Escalade 
  • CT6
  • XT5 
  • V-Series 

Order this subscription, enjoy the perks of having nothing at your liability and the access to a full suite of vehicles from Cadillac. It's a win-win for both sides Cadillac gets to showcase the vehicles that they have and the end user gets to test with any specific liability requirements but subscription approval.