
Like EURO TRAIN: The Housing Market Returns Fast

admin   Sun, 05 Feb 2017  MACHEENE | Report Abuse For all of the talk of the US rebound, some forget that Europe fell to a similar in a road and was following the US's decline as the impacts were far and wide past the North American corridor. With Brexit in the books and the looming EU exits one stat for sure seems certain to bring Europe to its height of Economic prosperity. If you didn't know  Commercial and Residential real estate play a very important role in the economy the first provides the greatest opportunity for young families to see wealth the second provides a venue for jobs. In general, real estate can contribute to almost 10% of GDP in good times and usually provides the greatest amount of wealth for a country. So you say build away well that's what everyone says but you only need so much housing for certain amount of people just as well they need jobs to support these industries. 

2011 Levels of the USA - Wikipedia caption 

So what does this mean for the hills of Florence, the city views of Paris, and the industrious movement of Berlin, Germany. It means an opportunity for the return of the base of most economies, let's take a look at the numbers: 

So who is leading the recharge of this shaky business climate, what EU countries are boasting an improvement of real estate value: 

Provided by Eurostat

One big factor for the surge is the lack of building permits to build new real estate in Europe. This is a sign of a potential supply/demand issue that is brewing and is perhaps the reason for the continued strength in the housing market price index seen above. 

So the cake with the icing from the Euro Zone happens to be within the unemployment rate if we look at current market averages from 28 countries we can see the downslope in the trend where the Y Axis is seeing the line