
Pasta, Pizza, Pope: Get a Hint to Where we were for the Holiday Season and How to Play if you Get There - ITALY

admin   Sun, 01 Jan 2017  MACHEENE | Report Abuse Italian Trip Tips: 

Ahh If you think I am going to talk about Ferrari's, Mafia, and Jersey Shore your totally off. This is a little tutelage on the intricacies in adding an A to the end of every word or learning that carbohydrates will not kill you welcome to the Land of Architecture and great food. This was a trip, in essence, to meet the pope at the Grandest of holidays and lay back enjoy the wine, pizza, and the Italian charm. So if you were to go what are some of the key things to expect (yes somewhere in this pseudo blog I will refer to real estate and cars for sale and how Macheene can help :-)) 

Coming into Italy expecting a huge accommodation in the heart of Rome or Florence may be difficult (wishful thinking) but we just didn't know the size of the rooms until opening the door, one can't really fathom in addition to if you plan on sharing a roomie that is not a partner you get twin beds, no such thing as a double queen (well not without 600% markup) 

1. Small Accommodations to be close to the action (Rome and Florence) Double Bed means to Twins put together, two beds usually means splitting the twins apart

Picture of a double bed room: 

So being born in the almighty powerhouse from the west America, when one travels one expects everyone to know the English language, well Italy isn’t new savvy and don’t care if you come here make sure to add an A to all your Spanish worlds so they can possibly understand an inkling of what you’re saying. It appears the Italians have just as much macho as the American's so don’t think there dying to be well spoken English speakers they will attempt to engage a few sentences but do yourself a favor and download google translate Italian.
2. Langauge: Download offline translation app.

Booking and finding touristy things to do can be a daunting task and painful. The problem with a new country when you only know the few sites highlighted on TV your kinda stuck on where to go and how to get there. Well, guess what in travel I learned if you go to the main site instead of booking tours online you may find a better deal. Do yourself a favor you have the main attraction that you want to go, get there and as the 30 sales people rush you, nickel and dime them until you find the best deal. You will probably save yourself 15-20% on the sale price.
3. Book tours at the tourist site not online unless you have an agent (email for our partner affiliations and the deals we can offer in italy)

Food, I’ll make this simple wherever the tourists go unless it’s a 5-star restaurant go the opposite way as a matter fact if they are staring at you on your way into an area you’ve probably gone to the correct spot.
4. Never buy food from tourist’s area there overcharging and sometimes not truly authentic follow the locals and make sure you get a stare when you enter a new area.

Don’t know where to go, if it’s a big city book a bus tour. Once you get into a touristy destinations train station or downtown area you should immediately have an agency or booth open to give you a map and information on where you should go. Head over look for the bus tour and book it. These tours range from 15 – 25 bucks for 24 hours and give you a sense of what you need to see via their maps. Now this will be the main sites if you want the underground items be sure to talk to locals on every occasion to get hints
5. Use a tour bus to get a high-level feel for the city then get a good pair of sneakers and walk your way through the area not listed as touristy think about getting out 4 to 5 blocks outside the touristy areas.

Pasta, Pizza and Meat breakfast. Pasta, Pizza, and Meat lunch, Pasta, Pizza, and Meat dinner you can’t win the health trap, food is great but boy oh boy do they love their food. To make it more rough for you Vegans lets add to the fact that Italian eat times for dinner go as follows 8 pm to 1 pm. They do however have local veggie stores that you can go to to get your good, and possibly live off fresh fruit and salads for your time. 
6. Carbs Is key in Italy and cheap to be had, not many work out places to burn the carbs search trip advisor for your 1/1 million vegan shop but maybe cut down your meals to a breakfast and lunch for dinner liquor/snacks.  

Ahh, the Italian style, be advised that the Euro male has an even tighter fit when compared to the American counterparts. The females as well are more conservative less risky than less say your typical American but be advised we went in winter I am sure summer will change a lot of things. A typical winter can be hand with a bubble vested jacket, sweater, scarf, and some type of boot.
7. Italians are very conservative and look very put together when they go out. Enjoy your vacation and watch them dress don’t try to compete. Matter fact shows them your American flair they might find it interesting. Need to find a street, or need help.

Please speak Italian or your will be coldly begrudged, the street signs are posted on the walls of the buildings.
8. Look to the walls of buildings for direction

Italians are late, OOPS I saw that in a blog. I can tell you in our experience Italians are on time and if you plan to make your Trenitalia train be prepared to be there a bit early or you will be seeing the front lights run away from you as you stare aimlessly. The metro and bus lines maybe a bit different but they are pretty on point now a day’s with the time. If you’re staying over a week for whatever city you’re in make sure you get a 72 hour a week pass if available. This allows you to hop on and off at will. Taxis are available Uber sporadically but they are pricey compared to the metro. Most of Italy’s sites can be captured in the metro line.
9. Get a week pass for transportation ends up being a lot cheaper than paying as you go.

Italy is still coming out of triple dip recessions so the economy is on a bit of shaky ground, make sure that you are aware of scammers. They can spot us Americans from a million miles away. We were skeptical of having fear for this until we arrived at the airport and a group of 10 people staring us as we pulled out cash of the ATM. Than we have those folks that want to help you purchase a train ticket again there looking for the money its hard time be aware they are looking for an opportunity to snatch make sure you’re with someone so they can keep a look out.
10. Keep your eyes open

Rome meals, if you take it to go it’s cheaper if you sit in your paying more dollars. Talk about how much to tip its included no need to (tips are included in your price), but as you know more money doesn’t hurt anybody specially if your trying to look good for the next trip and get free drinks.
11. Take it to go, or stand at the bar to eat or drink coffee its cheaper. If you want to tip go ahead but its included with your fare.

Caffe’s and Restaurants are the chill spots, clubs can be found at night and expect hard pumping tech music but there is a plethora of music to be found. Though not as diverse as a U.S. city you would be surprised to know how vast the music scene is in Italy. A bit traditional there a lot of appeal to Italy the old-school kind of way family, work hard, and treat others respect. This makes a bit difficult to break into groups as they are territorial from my general observation.
12. Shari Vari Playhouse, Salotta 42, Freni E Frizioni, K-Club to name a few of the places to name but Rome has some many areas that you can find to hang out or get a good dance. Be advised that Rome and Florence are vast every area has its own Motifs so it’s fun to explore and a country as big as California is great to do that with.

If you want more information on Tours and Potential Real Estate in Italy as well as the toys (exotic cars) send an email to for information and service for your needs.