It's True—Everyone Is Wearing These Winter Essentials RN
Nicole Akhtarzad Eshaghpour
Fri, 19 Jan 2024
Who What Wear
Seeing as it's twenty degrees and snowing in NYC this week, I thought it was time to talk about what people are reallywearing this winter—and not just in pictures. I'm talking cold-weather essentials that are functional but can still keep you looking chic when it feels nearly impossible. And, whether your winter means low twenties or low fifties (like it used to for me in LA), these pieces are versatile enough such that they can still apply to anyone.
From bags to boots to sweaters and pants, today I've got you covered, both physically and metaphorically. And in addition to showing you how fashion people are styling each item, I've also thrown in out a couple of my favorites to shop, just in case you're in a treat yourselfkind of mood. Ready to get started? Simply keep scrolling.