When Chanel debuted its spring/summer 2022 collection via live stream, fashion lovers all put their day job on hold, including me, and quickly got ready to watch the magic happen. This is always the one show that no one wants to miss, as new trends are guaranteed to emerge before your eyes. As the Chanel team presses play, models confidently stroll around backstage waiting for the show to begin in a somewhat vignette-style montage. When they finally make their way to the catwalk, there's something that feels different. Unlike the recent fashion shows, we watch the models strut down the runway with an added pep in their step—sashaying with one foot in front of the other before finally reaching the end of the runway, which was surrounded by photographers, and striking a pose.
The intention was to remark on the energy and magic that occurred at fashion shows in the 1980s. The first swim trend you'll find below first caught my eye at the exact moment that I made this connection. The confidence the model had while wearing it made that specific look a viral fashion moment. We all got the message quickly. Swimwear is back and bigger than ever before. It's been a few seasons since we saw swim on the runway at a brand like Chanel, and it came as a surprise. I wish upon us all that these new exciting swimsuits and trends will help us radiate the same amount of confidence that blew me away while streaming the show.
To get the look, think extra. Swimwear with added fun features like belts and award-winning accessories have already been gracing my Instagram feed this year as I watch people vacation from the comfort of my tiny NYC home. And I'm here for it! Dive into the fun by shopping the below swimwear trends that I spotted on the runway and suggest you buy into now before everyone else catches on. That summertime feeling starts now.