At this point, mask-wearing has become second nature. It's been the norm for well over a year now, and I think it's safe to say that there's been a lot of trial and error in that amount of time. I've thrown away more cloth masks than I care to admit. Too big, too hot, too thin, gaps at the sides, hurts my ears, doesn't have a nose bar… These are just a few of the reasons I've tossed reusable masks after wearing them just once.
I've come to the conclusion that disposable masks are the way to go, and since you're reading this, you're probably on the same page. They tend to be more breathable than cloth masks and most have more layers (often three to five), making them more protective. As Gregory Charlop, MD, told NBC News earlier this year, "Disposable blue surgical-style masks seem to do a better job protecting the wearer and others nearby." He added, "Research suggests higher rates of viral transmission with cloth masks compared with blue surgical masks."
With that, scroll to shop 11 disposable masks that people continuously rave about.