Life Style

J W Andersen Androgynous Design Master

admin  Wed, 31 Dec 1969

J W Andersen Androgynous Master 

When we talk about style, the capitals that swirl through one’s mind London, Paris, New York, and Milan come to my mind. There is always something new and vibrant coming along to break the molds into new ground. One designer that has decided to take a new look to this amazing era when fashion futurista has actually been accepted by society is J W Anderson from male designer that moved into the woman arena with a great hate for making dresses, J W strikes the pose in his newly released launch merging the lines between male and female attire.


The Androgynous Antagonist makes his waves with curious shapes, that some may say makes you understand why he hates dresses. The winner of several awards in men’s fashion is taking prey to the latest but somehow it still looks like the men. Take a look at the layers, the knee length pants, the fitted shoulder pads, look of what I call a take on what futuristic Asia might look like on a different take on tradition. The flower wraps, short dresses, with the over covered tops is the perfect androgynous session and the mix shows well.

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