
Taurus Personality Traits: Everything You Need To Know About the Zodiac Sign (HYPEBAE)  Sun, 25 Apr 2021  HYPEBAE

The second sign in the zodiac, Taurus (April 20 - May 20) is symbolized by the bull and is characterized by its dependable, hardworking nature. While often regarded by others as quite stubborn, Taureans are also loveable in many ways when you truly get to know them. Strong-willed yet sensual at the same time, Taurus are known to be fiercely loyal and supportive friends. Romantically, they make committed and trustworthy partners that will be by your side through thick and thin.

Here, Sanctuary astrologist Julia Arielle Modorsky details other important traits of Taurus, including the zodiac sign’s biggest strengths and challenges, as well as their compatibility with other signs.


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Taurus is the second astrological sign in the zodiac.

While Aries signifies the coming of spring and brings with it new existence and self-actualization (“who am I?”), Taurus is here to be present with the world around us (“what is this?”). Tune into the senses and the natural forces around us. It's now mid-spring -- the flowers have bloomed and blossomed, and nature is thriving in its peaceful abundance of life. While the first sign, Aries, was actively birthing and entering autonomy, this second sign, Taurus, is relaxing in its now living state. It represents the enjoyment of life: the body, the Earth and all of its natural resources.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and is an earth sign.

Each sign has a planetary ruler -- a strong recognition of one another. Taurus is co-ruled by Venus, which also rules Libra, yet the two are very different in element and modality: Libra being air and cardinal (active), while Taurus being earth and fixed (secure). Taurus is the sensual Venusian who understands the beauty of the world around us and how precious all of it really is. Taureans are also distinctly aware of the importance of self-worth, self-love and self-care.


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Taurus Compatibility

Compatibility comes down to the whole chart, side-by-side and combined. Any sign can get along with any sign due to the intricate details of synastry (for example, a Taurus Sun can get along well with a fire/air Sun who also has an earth/water Moon or Venus -- and don’t discount Mercury or Mars either), but when looking at a specific aspect, Taurus tends to easily get along with the same element, earth, as well as water. They create the most harmonious angles with one another, known as the trine and sextile. The opposing sign of Scorpio can bring along a grounding and balanced presence for a Taurus, and vice versa.

Taurus and Virgo

Composite Cancer - Comfortable, sweet, caring, nurturing. You're drawn together like family.

Taurus and Capricorn

Composite Pisces - Soulful, compassionate, deep understanding of one another. You can feel like you’ve known one another for lifetimes.

Taurus and Taurus

Composite Taurus - You're on the same page. Natural, relaxed, familiar with one another’s expressive energy.

Taurus and Pisces

Composite Aries - Passionate, excitable, active, brave and decisive together.

Taurus and Cancer

Composite Gemini - Communicative, open and adaptable. Meeting of two minds. You're easily able to share your thoughts and express yourselves.

Taurus and Scorpio

Composite Leo or Aquarius (depending on the specific degree of both individuals) - You can be a force to be reckoned with. Playful, co-leaders, shining, theatrical, or brilliant and innovative together.


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Taurus Characteristics

Personality Traits

Taureans are known for their reliability, patience, deep-rootedness, ability to see things through no matter how tedious, and calm disposition in times of upheaval. Holding a deep connection to Mother Earth, senses heightened, Taureans are in tune with nature, natural rhythm and the natural forces around us. And they love to be comfortable -- a comforting presence, in comfortable clothing, in a comfortable environment (bring on the pillows!). This is the sign of pleasure and wealth -- this can be wealth in spirit, health, friendships, love, finances, resources, etc., and not restricted to financial abundance.


A Taurus can be humble, loyal, kind and easy-going. Their strength lies in stillness and solidity. They keep it real, are not easily surprised and are able to handle crises with a cool head. Anyone can feel safe with them around. Taureans are not ones for negativity or pessimism. Grounded in physical reality, level-headedness and sound judgment does not often escape this practical earth sign. They’re able to find the realism within the realm of imagination.

Taureans also have the ability to patiently help others come to a greater understanding of a concept, due to being unperturbed by the tedium of repetition. An interesting yet honorable strength of Taureans is that they are quite literal and honest. Unable to be deceptive, you’ll find the Taurus grinning ear to ear, or failing to hide a smile when asked, “Who ate the last slice of [food]?!”. If they’re sad, they’ll cry. Happy? They'll grin and laugh. Upset? They’ll seethe. You won’t be left guessing with a Taurus. And keep in mind, they will take you for your word, giving you the benefit of the doubt, so try not to make promises you’re not sure you can keep.


Some challenges for Taureans are to loosen the deep, sometimes unbudgeable roots when it's time to move on, whether it's from an idea, a situation, a person, etc. They need to learn not to stay past an expiration date for the sake of completion or due to the deliberate and steady intention it took to get there, or because it's something that was once personally highly-valued.

This goes for accumulation as well. Although you can highly value security, and you’re able to see the value in all things, this doesn’t mean you actually need all the things. Find what's specifically most valuable to you and let go of the rest, so you don't over-accumulate and lose yourself. Do you need a shoe, sock and sweater in every color? Or will a few suffice? What will you actually make use of most? Minimalism can be just as valuable, if not more valuable, as maximalism. Balance is key, so taking note of the opposing sign (Scorpio) can help remind you to purge whatever you find doesn’t hold true meaning for you. These are where the stereotypes of stubbornness and possessiveness come from.


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Taurus Relationships

Love and Sex

Take it slow and steady. Taureans understand the wonders of the simplicities in life. Treat them to their favorite meal, with their favorite form of self-care, tunes, textures (a silk robe, a fluffy blanket, a textured jacket), some fresh lavender or another favorite aroma of theirs, and take a photo to capture the present moment you’re sharing together. The sign thrives on being natural and candid, not contrived or forced, so skip the “cheese!” in the photo and do something to make them laugh. An outdoor picnic, hike or trip to the beach -- if and when possible -- will always be highly valued, as well as undisturbed sleep.

Taureans are sensual in romance. Touch can be very important, so make sure to cuddle your Taurus. Taureans are never quick to anger, so beware if the bull is ever awakened -- if under-valued, insulted, or stirred over a boiling point, it can take quite some time and effort to regain the once-firm connection.


Taurus are down-to-earth and easy to get along with. Someone you can always rely on if you're in a rough patch, need a listener or a pick-me-up. Taureans love to be present when building connections, so if the BFF vibe is there, you’ll have their full attention when hanging out one-on-one. They are your own personal cheerleader.

Taureans often find themselves in quality-over-quantity types of friendships, so if you’re good friends with this sign, you know they highly value your company, and that you genuinely mean a lot to them. They can have a sweet, gentle, warm (or chill!) presence, and will enjoy authentic and meaningful conversations about one another’s lives.

If they’re ever in a stressful period in their life, don’t take it personally if your Taurus friend falls off the map while they work on regaining their footing. You’ll have their attention when you’re together, but there can be some major delays on the texting front with too many to-dos nagging at their mind. They’ll appreciate a nudge once in a while letting them know there’s no rush to help ease some of that pressure.

At Work

There to answer the call, Taureans are very dedicated to their chosen profession, and will be a dependable force of nature. Through sheer determination, diligence, and desire, they can work in just about any field as long as they strongly value the work they’re involved with.

Taureans value security and stability in some form and can be rather composed in demeanor. They tend to be realistic optimists, or optimistic realists, often able to find the silver lining when in their natural grounded state. If they experience financial instability in their career, their natural grounding can falter, sometimes causing a splinter in their self-care, sleep schedule and other aspects of life’s necessities. Sensible, loyal, appreciative and understanding in nature, they can quell any flames in work partnerships or with coworkers.

It’s possible Taureans work hands-on, such as in fashion, sculpting, music, natural foods, architecture or photography. And with Taurus ruling the throat in medical astrology, along with their sensory awareness, they can also be naturals when it comes to singing. They have a great ear for rhythm, melody and harmonizing.

Taurus Predictions 2021

With Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius (first time in about 29 and 12 years respectively) and Uranus, the astrological ruler of Aquarius, currently in the sign of Taurus, be open to any changes that come your way. Ride those waves gracefully and reach out for a hand if you ever stumble on your path. This way, you'll be able to get back up -- perhaps feeling divinely guided towards a new direction -- with no problem, readily awaiting the many blossoms ahead of you. Take in all of your surroundings and be sure to keep your environment clear, serene and decluttered, and yourself well taken care of, so as to not get overwhelmed with any sensory overload. With this particular Jupiter, Saturn and Uranian planetary mix, this is a once-in-a-lifetime period (Uranus takes about 84 years to go around the zodiac) when you may feel like you're breaking through to a fresh, brighter and new emboldened you, cathartically free to "be." Nature doesn’t rush to blossom, but you may be feeling a powerful jolt this year to help supercharge the process.

Having always been one to enjoy problem-solving, finding patterns and exploring the deeper meanings in life, Julia Arielle Modorsky discovered the intricate depths of astrology years ago and quickly made it her full-time career. Since joining Sanctuary in 2019, she's given thousands of readings to clients all over the world to help bring clarity, guidance and empowerment to their lives through the interworkings of the cosmos. You can find Julia giving readings on the Sanctuary app most nights, as well as on her Instagram.

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