
September’s New Moon in Virgo Will Help You Channel Your Inner Beyoncé (Hypebae)  Tue, 12 Sep 2023  Hypebae

Virgo season is kicking things into high gear as a new moon in the meticulous earth sign takes place on September 14.

The notoriously organized and detail-oriented sign is known for its hard-working nature, often garnering a love-hate relationship with many of its zodiac siblings. While the Type A Virgo may rub people the wrong way, there is no denying they get s--t done. Virgos are ruthless when it comes to getting rid of what no longer serves them, whether it be toxic partners, bad friends or their own excuses. There is no stopping a Virgo with a goal -- just look at Queen Bey.

Mercury retrograde is supercharging the new moon as the 14th is the very last full day the planet will be orbiting in reverse. Usually, news of a Mercury retrograde is enough to scare any zodiac sign, but the planet of communication is retrograde in its home sign -- Virgo. La luna will also form a trine with Taurus, an earth sign obsessed with stability and security. The combined energy of a new moon and Mercury retrograde in Virgo, as well as a conjunction with Taurus will inspire you to take action and clear out anything that is standing in the way of you living your best life.

Continue scrolling to discover what's in store for your zodiac sign for the Virgo new moon.


Your daily rituals will come into full view as the new moon is in your sixth house of self-care and wellness. Evaluate your habits and get rid of any that are draining you of your energy, time or money. The theme for the Virgo new moon is discipline.


The new moon is in your fifth house of creativity and romance and with it forming a trine to your sign, the name of the game will be incorporating hobbies to fuel your artistic side. While it's easy to get into a rut, carving out some time to let your inner child play will actually make the every day more exciting.


The Virgo new moon is warming up your fourth house of domesticity, encouraging you to clear out the cutter both in your physical space as well as your mental. Redecorating for a change of scenery can help create a new perspective, but be sure to do the work upstairs and clean out those self-limiting beliefs.


With Virgo new moon in your third house of communication, your attention is on how you speak to others, but more importantly, yourself. Virgos are famous for their effectiveness and honesty, so be honest with yourself. That means owning up to areas where you might be lacking, as well as giving yourself the credit you deserve.


The Virgo new moon is in your second house of income, helping you channel your energy after a confidence-boosting Leo season. Put your fiery spirit towards bolstering a side hustle or working towards a promotion at your current gig, kicking it into overdrive when Mercury retrograde is officially over.


It is your time to shine Virgo as the new moon is in your first house of self. Use Thursday night as an opportunity to go out on solo date or spend some quality time with yourself to make sure you're at your very best for your season. Taking time to write out your goals for the next six months will also serve you well.


The Virgo new moon is in your 12th house of subconscious, shining a light on any underlying or unresolved issues. If you've been feeling overwhelmed or like you're not measuring up, take a step back on Thursday night to take stock of what could be done better. Sometimes, shadow work is the best form of self-care.


Your social circle is top of mind as the new moon is in your 11th house of networking. As a moodier water sign, you like to keep your crew small and honestly would be content being your only friend. This level of discernment could keep you from meeting kindred spirits, so harness the energy of the Virgo new moon and be strategic about creating new bonds with folks aligned with your spirit.


The new moon is in your tenth house of career, amping up your ambitions. With Mercury retrograde coming to an end the day after the new moon, formulate a plan of action on Thursday. If there is one thing Virgos know how to do is plan, so embody that attitude and put pen to paper.


The Virgo new moon is in your ninth house of travel and philosophy, so don't be surprised if a rush of emotions comes to the surface. You may be calling into question your core values, causing a bit of an existential crisis. Don't be alarmed and allow the new moon to bring your darker emotions to light so you can release them.


Vulnerability will become your superpower as the Virgo new moon is in your eighth house of intimacy and investment. It makes sense if you've been avoiding harder conversations during Mercury retrograde, but use Thursday night as a means to gain clarity on how you actually feel before approaching the situation. Once the skies clear, show your softer side as being emotionally vulnerable with those you love is the key to growing closer.


The new moon is in your seventh house of partnership, encouraging you to put your energy towards healthy relationships rather than ones that hold you back. Make sure you're nourishing the bonds that are feeding you as well.

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