
Your May 2023 Monthly Horoscope and Zodiac Predictions (Hypebae)  Sun, 30 Apr 2023  Hypebae

May is gearing up to be a powerful month as it is starting off with a major spark to the subconscious as Pluto goes into retrograde in Aquarius on the first.

The air sign is the zodiac's activist, so when coupled with the planet of reinvention, the pairing encourages an attitude of deep introspection. Since Pluto is moving in reversal until June 11, you might find yourself in your feelings, flashing back to cringe-worthy conversations where you might have downplayed or betrayed yourself. Reflecting on those difficult moments when your insecurities may have been holding the steering wheel will give you greater confidence to take charge and move in the direction of your most authentic self. Focusing on what you desire and need most for yourself, while blocking out the external noise will be the name of the game.

May 5 brings a Scorpio full moon and lunar eclipse to shake things up, forcing you to do more shadow work than ever. Scorpio is a deeply emotional water sign, so the completion of the moon's cycle, coinciding with a lunar eclipse will push you to excavate those unsettled emotions. This is the third eclipse over the past year, marking the end of a chaotic cosmic period. The first took place on May 16, while the second occurred on October 25. A Scorpio lunar eclipse is an invitation to clear out the spiritual muck and shed your skin to reveal a lighter, more grounded version of yourself. You don't have to let it linger.

Mercury retrograde ends on May 14, giving you a bit of a breather since it kicked off on April 21. There will still be leftover effects until June 1, but as the planet of communication enters Taurus, you'll start to feel like you're on steadier ground. On May 16, Jupiter leaves fiery Aries and moves into Taurus until next May. Jupiter symbolizes good luck, so when aligned with an earth sign that values hard work, blessings are bound to start pouring in.

The Taurus new moon on May 19 ushers in a fresh start before Gemini season kicks off on May 21, offering an opportunity to imitate to social butterfly and spread your wings.

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