Having launched a wildlife animal-inspired range last month, Pangaia has now returned with a collection celebrating the Arctic Ocean. The release aims to raise awareness of the challenges the region has been facing over recent decades due to climate change."Despite one of the most extreme climates on the planet, the Arctic is home to a variety of species – from seals and whales to polar bears and walruses. It is our duty to protect the last remaining areas of wilderness," the brand shares in a...
I don't think we put enough importance on our phone as an accessory, especially since it's something we carry on us 99% of the time. I was often the daredevil who forgot to put on a case or would end up buying a cheap case that would offer little protection and its design would wear down quickly. It wasn't till this past year till I started to sit down and do a search for ones that meet both protective and aesthetic points, and I must say, there's quite a good selection amongst the internet. Fr...
Although the fashion industry has made strides towards body diversity, it's no secret that there's still a long way to go. While most of our work as editors involves identifying and discussing trends, it's often that women who fall outside of the thin, sample-size mold aren't apart of these conversations. It's important to note that as we talk about what's trending in the fashion world, we recognize more than the stereotypical sample-sized fashions displayed on the runways. After all, you c...
There are plenty of places I look to for fashion inspiration—whether it’s celeb outfits, the latest trends on the runways, or pieces spotted on fashion insiders, there’s no doubt that they shape what I’m wearing. But it’s Who What Wear’s team of fashion editors that I rely on more than anyone else to weigh in about the coolest brands of the moment and the pieces that are worthy of adding into my closet.Our Slack channels are full of convos about of-the-moment trends on our radar and ...