Back in 2018, singer and actress Demi Lovato was rushed to the hospital after a drug overdose. Three years later, the artist has finally opened up on the aftermath of the incident in her upcoming documentary, Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil."I've had so much to say over the past two years, wanting to set the record straight about what it was that happened. FYI, I'm just going to say it all," she begins in the trailer, which follows up with clips gathered throughout her childhood and music ca...
When it comes to shopping, I tend to invest in great basics and pieces that I plan on having in my closet for years ahead. In my closet, you’re bound to find items that I can wear on repeat with any number of outfits. It’s an approach to shopping that can be summed up as “buy less and smarter”. Each piece I add to my wardrobe is very intentional and I consider the cost-per-wear of each item when making a new purchase. It’s something that has always been a part of the way I shop. In fa...
If there’s one thing we love reporting on a tad more than others (at least, if you ask me), it’s trends. We gather our evidence everywhere from the runways to Instagram before deeming a sartorial repetition of any kind a “trend,” so when we really hit the nail on the head with our predictions, we feel pretty good about ourselves. Since we can’t take any credit for setting said trends, we thought it would be fun to quench our curiosity by looking back at some of the popular movements...
KITH Women is looking forward to the warmer days with its new Spring 2021 collection. Comprised of 53 garments and accessories, the range is perfect for transitional weather, whether you're working from home or going out for a walk.Overall, the line maintains a minimal color palette in "Chai," "Stadium" and "Waffle" tones, along with classic "Oxford Blue," "White" and "Heather Gray" shades. Matching knitwear sets feature KITH's logo embroidered at the front, while basic tees are complete with mi...