Ahead of her documentary set to premiere today, Billie Eilish has dropped a merch collection dedicated to the upcoming Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry film. The 12-piece range comes splashed in a bold color palette of red and black."Everything in this line (besides the socks) are made from organic fabrics! All grown without pesticides which is better for the environment," the musician shared on Instagram, keeping sustainability in mind for her latest release. Additionally, most of ...
Sotheby's will sell a private collector's archive of nearly 20 years of Maison Margiela garments in an expansive auction set to launch online. Spanning 1989 to 2009, the lot -- dubbed "Hors Normes II" -- includes nearly 200 ready-to-wear and couture garments. Accessories and head-to-toe runway looks will also be up for grabs.Highlights include Martin Margiela's Fall/Winter 1998 plastic-coated dress with its original plastic bag still intact, as well as the designer's famous Fall/Winter 1999 duve...
Priya Ahluwalia, whose eponymous label was one of eight 2020 LVMH Prize winners, has been granted the Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design.Ahluwalia is recognized for using sustainable production methods, as well as exploring her Indian-Nigerian heritage through fashion. Expanding on her commitment to using dead stock and vintage material, the designer's latest collection was made with the help of Reskinned, a program that buys back unwanted clothing from both individual consumers and bra...
London's Digital Fashion Week has just come to an end, and we've seen exciting shows from up-and-coming labels like Art School, as well as favorites from the schedule like Burberry and Simone Rocha. With the COVID-19 pandemic, London was the first to go digital, creating its own platform to host fashion week and showcase collections from over 100 brands and designers.We've spoke to the British Fashion Council to learn more about the challenges involved, as well as the future of fashion. Keep rea...