Studio Ghibli's My Neighbor Totoro franchise has been gaining much attention this year, receiving a luxury team-up with LOEWE in January. Now, the 1988 anime has received a bag collaboration with LeSportsac."It was a dream, but it wasn't a dream," the tagline reads, referencing a quote from the movie. Arriving in 22 pieces with two key colorways, the collection is designed with inspiration from the main characters Satsuki and Mei.The "Totoro Botanical" print sees repeated patterns of Totoro in ...
I love the fashion that comes along with all seasons, but if I'd have to pick one, I'd say that the perks that come with spring have to be a favorite. I'm talking accessories, like handbags and shoes that aren't boots or slippers. Something about a cute shoulder bag or a pair of mules can completely elevate any outfit within seconds. And as someone who likes to dabble in different styles and aesthetics, I like options. If you agree, then you're in luck. Who What Wear Collection has just launch...
How many days a week are you tempted to leave the house in a hoodie and a blanket? If you live in a place like New York City where temperatures are hovering around 40ºF right now, the answer is probably every day. Well, as it turns out, that very same look just got the stamp of approval from everyone's favorite French fashion editor: Carine Roitfeld.Photographed in NYC, the Parisian icon wore an oversize coat with a hoodie, leggings, and flat boots. We've talked about the oversize outerwear tr...
Determined to imbue a sense of playfulness during uncertain times, Apparis has released the "Fun House" Collection for Spring/Summer 2021. Featuring a fresh color palette of pastel hues like Lilac, Paradise Green and Pale Banana, the new campaign follows a diverse cast of talents as they go through their daily routines and activities, while dressed in sleek, upscale outerwear and elevated loungewear. The 100% cruelty-free, vegan pieces from the latest collection will be released by the New York-...