From c-nty beauty moments to literally being the reason we celebrate Pride Month -- thank you, Marsha P. Johnson for throwing the first brick at Stonewall! -- trans women have long been the blueprint. Despite law and policy that continue to marginalize, activists and actors like Dominique Jackson contribute to and shape our culture with far too little credit.In celebration of Pride Month, take a look at 15 trans women that inspire us weekly. To the trans girlies in our community, thank you for ...
Trojan condoms expands on its sexual wellness category with a 2-in-1 sex toy for couples.Releasing June 10, the Dual Pleasure Vibrating Wand enhances intimacy with double the pleasure. Featuring a "wand vibrator for her and a vibrating ring for him," it's the ultimate couples toy "allowing for simultaneous stimulation or solo enjoyment," the brand shared.Created with user feedback in mind, the 2-in-1 elevates sex with intense stimulation and a fun experience. Priced at $29.99 USD, Trojan's lat...
Welcome to your new safe space and Hypebae's first-ever sex and dating column, Ask a (S)expert. This new weekly series is led by Haitian-Chinese and LA-based sexpert Gigi Fong, our in-house sex and dating editor.Gigi is a former sex worker and podcaster now hosting safe spaces for the Hypebae community. She specializes in all things sex-positive from unconventional dating to pleasure. To have your questions answered, visit our dropbox below and anonymously send your intimate inquiries ♡"Ho...
Hinge dating app releases its LGBTQIA+ D.A.T.E Report.In celebration of Pride Month, Hinge’s report dives into the desires of Gen Zers and Millennials. What’s on the list? According to Hinge, emotional intimacy is the #1 topic LGBTQIA+ daters want advice on, while "50% want to learn how to build trust better."As Hinge reveals, the key to building strong emotional connections is "slowmance." For those who take pride in intentionality, slowmance is quite similar. It's a "conscious" approach t...