The fictional and apathetic Addams family has managed to keep their popularity amongst a span of generations, from the original 1930s comic to the 1991 big-screen adaptation. Most of all, Wednesday Addams has repeatedly held the status as a young gothic icon, which most hold accreditation to the '90s portrayal by Christina Ricci. And while the essence of of the grim character has largely remained the same throughout the decades—aversion to human emotion at the top of the list—Tim Burton's 2...
If three of your favorite F-words are fun, French, and fashion, then you're probably already counting down the days until the season-three premiere of Emily in Paris—only 12 remain until Lily Collins and the amiable albeit occasionally aloof cast of characters magically appear on Netflix on December 21.Creator Darren Star has a flare for the dramatic, so while we're not sure what that means for Emily's relationship and career, we're pleased to see that the costumes continue to be next-level...
Style and cinematography, for many, have been a vehicle for storytelling, self-expression, self-reflection, and even a spiritual experience. No other modern-day series, in my mind, quite shows how these two art forms serve that purpose quite like Hulu's original series, Ramy. The dramedy follows the life of Muslim American protagonist Ramy and his family and friends as they navigate their relationships to their faith, their identities, and the general plights of living in the twenty-first centu...
We have reached the halfway point of HBO Max’s House of the Dragon, which means the actors who play young Princess Rhaenyra and Alicent Hightower—Milly Alcock and Emily Carey, respectively—will pass the baton to their (slightly) older counterparts, Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke. Cue the tears. You could say we’ve grown attached to Hollywood newcomers, making the midseason transition a bittersweet one. Alcock and Carey have made a big impression over the last five episodes, effectively s...