Daily Paper and Converse have teamed up to create a standout capsule collection called "Colors of Independence," blending fashion with powerful cultural storytelling."We are thrilled to partner with Converse for the Colors of Independence collection, a project that celebrates our collective passion for community and self-expression," says Abderrahmane Trabsini, Co-founder and Design Director of Daily Paper. "This collection is a tribute to the resilience and creativity of youth across the world....
The enchanted Wicked universe is coming to life by way of Ariana Grande's r.e.m. beauty. The makeup brand is releasing a limited-edition capsule of nine products to help you immerse yourself into the world of yellow brick roads and dancing lions.This collection includes nine products, all themed around the new film arriving in theaters on Decemeber 4. First, the "Ozdust" eyeshadow palette, complete with 12 longwear and highly-pigmented eyeshadow shades, including matte and metallic. You'll find ...
Move over Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande, Barbie has become Patrick Ta's latest muse. The makeup artist behind Patrick Ta Beauty has partnered up with Barbie to collaborate on a new collection that's sure to make you feel hot... pink, that is.Patrick Ta Beauty's "Double-Take Creme & Powder Blush Duo" also comes in a new shade, a bright and magenta-esque hot pink that is sure to make you feel powerful. The makeup product has patented miomimetic pigment that mirrors your skin's ceramides to gi...
Vivienne Westwood, the boundary-pushing British fashion brand, set aside punk motifs for sheer dresses and oversized suits at its Spring/Summer 2025 show. Andres Kronthaler tapped three beauty industry legends for the Paris Fashion Week showcase -- Isamaya Ffrench to perfect the makeup, Sam McKnight to craft the dreamiest hair and Mei Kawajiri to bedazzle the nails."The look today is 'Princess Diana in Saint Tropez.' It's very healthy, overly-bronzed cheeks, highlights, quite natural — just li...