For its latest product drop, UGG has unveiled the sustainable "Plant Power" collection. The range features three unisex silhouettes – the Fluff Sugar Platform, Fluff Sugar Sandal and Neumel Natural – crafted with carbon-neutral, plant-based materials."At UGG, we are committed to doing our part to combat climate change," Andrea O’Donnell, UGG and Koolaburra by UGG of Deckers Brands' president, said in a press release. "Our design team took inspiration from our iconic styles and created new ...
Tom Ford Beauty has released its latest liquid foundation and cushion compact designed to sculpt, define and emphasize symmetric definition. With the aim to produce makeup goods that enhance one's natural features, both items come in a radiant and nourishing finish."In order to highlight your individual beauty, the architecture of your face should be emphasized. We all instinctively respond to light and symmetry – these can be used to enhance your natural features and bring out your unique bea...
Following up on its gender-fluid collection with designer Harris Reed, MAC Cosmetics has now joined forces with Kakao Friends to update its signature lipsticks. The makeup goods are dominated by the cult-loved figures.The lip products are designed to reflect the unique personality of each Kakao Friends character. The electric red "Times Infinity" shade takes inspiration from maneless lion Ryan, while "Have a Good Day" is a flirty, hot peach hue that gives a bright accent to any makeup look. Else...
While some designer labels boast one (okay, maybe two) iconic fragrances, Tom Ford arguably has at least five times that number. Black Orchid, Fucking Fabulous, Oud Wood, Tobacco Wood… The brand has debuted one timeless and covetable fragrance after another, each welcomed with a steeper and steeper upward slope of appreciation. As beauty editors, we've always held a special appreciation for the fashion designer's well-versed selection of collectible beauty items, but the appreciation doesn...