Earlier this week, GOT7 member JAY B confirmed that he would join H1GHR MUSIC after leaving JYP Entertainment. Just a few days later, the musician dropped his first single "Switch It Up" under the Jay Park-led hip hop label, revealing to our associates at HYPEBEAST KR his future plans as both a solo artist and as a member of the K-pop boy band."I'm having so much fun... I chose to leave JYP to take on more challenges," JAY B shares, further elaborating on the meaning behind his latest single an...
As fans count down to the release of her debut studio album SOUR, Olivia Rodrigo has released her third single, "good 4 u," with an accompanying music video. An energetic revenge anthem, the new track builds on the momentum of "drivers license" and "deja vu," two hit singles that have catapulted the 18-year-old singer-songwriter and Disney star to the top of the charts and international fame.In the kitschy visual, directed by Petra Collins and styled by Devon Lee Carlson, Rodrigo is portrayed as...
Grammy Award-nominated rapper Nicki Minaj has returned to the music scene for the first time this year. The news follows Minaj's recent viral Instagram post of her sporting pink Chanel-embellished Crocs.In celebration of her 2009 Beam Me Up Scotty mixtape's 12-year anniversary, the artist has finally released her project on streaming services for the first time. Beam Me Up Scotty includes Nicki’s first hit "I Get Crazy" featuring Lil Wayne, which earned a spot in the top 20 of Billboard's Hot ...
Marking this her first release since Reality Show, Jazmine Sullivan welcomed 2021 with her fourth album after a six-year-long hiatus. Titled Heaux Tales, the 12-time Grammy Award nominee's 14-track project highlights untold narratives of women, specifically about relationships and sex, as well as explores self-empowerment.Initially sparking the idea for Heaux Tales was Sullivan's RCA Records reps, who suggested that she should approach her next record like a concept piece. "I was feeling stuck...