Japanese-American singer Hikaru Utada has come out as non-binary, taking to Instagram to open up about their identity."I'm sick of being asked if I'm 'Miss or Missus' or choosing between 'Miss/Mrs/Ms' for everyday things," Utada, who goes by they/them pronouns, wrote. "It makes me uncomfortable to be identified so markedly by my marital status or sex, and I don’t relate to any of those prefixes. Every time, I feel like I’m forced to misrepresent myself," they explained. "I long for an alter...
Tyler, The Creator's new album addresses some explicit tweets he wrote about Selena Gomez in 2010 and 2011."MANIFESTO," the ninth track off of CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST, apologizes (kind of) for a series of now-deleted posts commenting on Gomez's relationship with Justin Bieber. "I was a teener, tweetin' Selena crazy shit / Didn't wanna offend her, apologize when I seen her / Back when I was tryna fuck Bieber, Just-in," the rapper delivers in the song's third verse.Many of the tweets, which Tyler...
NCT Dream, a sub-unit of SM Entertainment's K-pop group NCT, has returned with a new music video and repackage album both titled "Hello Future." The latest release features three fresh tracks, adding to the 10 songs from Hot Sauce, which has birthed viral dance challenges on TikTok since its release."Big dreams and big thrills," Mark begins, appearing on top of a flying bus in the music video for "Hello Future." Members Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung enter the frame in colorful...
Shortly after revealing that he has written a song for BTS' upcoming album, Ed Sheeran has shared the title of the new track in a Q&A session on Instagram Stories."BTS songwriter?" one fan asked through the Questions feature on the social media app. "Well, yes. We have a song coming soon," the singer-songwriter responded. He then added that his "favorite BTS song is their new song, 'Permission to Dance.'"Prior to the announcement, Sheeran confirmed in an interview that he is working on a new...