Ed Sheeran is collaborating with Jessi and Sunmi on a "Shivers" remix, which the K-pop artists both teased on social media."Ed Sheeran ‘Shivers’ [featuring] Jessi and SUNMI coming soon on Nov 24 6:00PM (KST)," they each captioned the post. This means the track will drop at 4 a.m. ET on Thanksgiving eve. During the 12-second snippet, all that can be heard is a female voice singing, "Boy, you give me fevers ... Oooh," along to the "Shivers" beat."Shivers" is a single off Sheeran's latest album...
UPDATE (November 19, 2021): Adele releases her fourth studio album, 30, which is her first project in six years.The LP is made up of 12 personal songs, most of which are about the singer's 2019 divorce to ex-husband Simon Konecki. 30 includes two features — jazz pianist Erroll Garner on "All Night Parking" and one special appearance on "My Little Love" by her son, Angelo Adkins, whom she shares with Konecki."It was my ride or die throughout the most turbulent period of my life,” Adele said a...
“Today we f*cing good. Feel me?” Nnena said confidently when asked about her mental health before our conversation began. Appreciative, she acknowledged how this icebreaker was a first for her from a journalist. “Damn, you seem cool as f*ck already. Anybody who's ever interviewed me has never asked that, so thank you.”Ohio-based, first-generation Nigerian-American rapper Nnena Adigwe didn’t take a traditional route into the industry. As opposed to having a mentor in the music industry ...
Just a week after releasing "Get It Girl," Saweetie is back with another single for her fans. Titled "Icy Chain," the song is produced by Dr. Luke, who has worked on some of the musician's top hits like "Tap In" and "Best Friend.""Twerk that ass for a icy chain," the rapper repeats in the catchy chorus. She continues: "I'm pretty, I'm in every city, but won't hit the club unless it's a bag for me/Daddy, answer me, I need to know why you're mad at me/'Cause you be complaining, you stay in your ...