Created in collaboration with Treviso-based design studio Zanellato/Bortotto, Louis Vuitton has unveiled new lantern pieces as part of its "Objet Nomade" collection. Arriving in green and red iterations and two different sizes, these products will make the perfect addition to your home."A journey east, a summer dinner with friends, a walk on the beach. We imagined this project as a collection of memories woven into a lantern. An intimate and personal object to keep with you to gently illuminate ...
Whether you're moving into a new apartment, looking to change up your space or simply scrolling through your Instagram feed, looking at aesthetic images of tastefully designed spaces will inspire decor ideas for your home. Below, we've put together a list of our favorite interior design accounts to follow on the social media platform.These Instagram profiles include everything from vintage furniture shops to architects' accounts. Gustaf Westman's fun, groovy designs will have you consider adding...
IKEA has unveiled its latest Art Event collection, an initiative that was established in 2015 as a way to democratize contemporary design. For 2021, the Swedish homeware giant collaborated with five artists and studios -- Daniel Arsham, Sabine Marcelis, Stefan Marx, Gelchop and Humans since 1982 -- for a range of unique statement pieces including lamps, clocks and wall decorations.Arsham's contribution is a wall clock designed to appear as if it's flying through the air. A layer of "fabric" fold...
For a quick and inexpensive way to freshen up your space, consider bringing the benefits of aromatherapy to your home by making your own room spray. Requiring only a few supplies and ingredients, including a cocktail of essential oils of your choice, homemade room sprays make for a fun DIY project that's easy enough to do on a leisurely weekend. Not only can a home fragrance mist help create a beautiful-smelling bedroom when used on pillows and linens, but as P.F. Candle Co.'s Kristen Pumphrey t...