Following up on its Spring/Summer 2021 collaboration with Levi's, GANNI has now launched GANNI Kiosk – an extension of the label's ongoing sustainability initiative. The new project offers customers small, responsibly made accessories for daily use."Our Fashion Week Kiosks inspired us to create more permanent non-fashion concepts that are produced responsibly," the Danish brand's creative director Ditte Reffstrup comments in a statement. "We wanted our Kiosk collection to be a treasure trove o...
OSOI, the South Korean accessories label loved for its minimalist styles, has launched new handbags and footwear for Spring/Summer 2021. The accompanying "Hustle and Bustle" campaign captures the fashion items in looks complete with garments from labels such as TheOpen Product.Through its latest collection, OSOI remembers the pleasant memories of pre-pandemic times. A variety of colors take over the range of handbag shapes that are both asymmetrical and balanced. Standout designs include the Ton...
Stuart Weitzman has enlisted its global spokeswoman Serena Williams and a very special guest to star in its latest campaign, "Footsteps to Follow." The tennis champion's three-year-old daughter, Alexis "Olympia" Ohanian poses alongside Williams in a series of newly unveiled images spotlighting the footwear brand's Spring/Summer 2021 collection.Rocking a pair of adult-sized heels alongside her mother, Olympia proves to be a natural. “Being on set with Olympia to shoot this campaign meant so muc...
When poet Amanda Gorman took the stage at Joe Biden's inauguration in January, it wasn't just the activist's words that captivated audiences around the world. Her brightly colored ensemble -- a canary yellow coat and scarlet headband designed by Prada -- caused quite a stir among viewers, too. In fact, global fashion platform Lyst reported that searches for "red headbands" similar to the satin accessory Gorman sported shot up a staggering 560 percent following the inauguration ceremony. She wasn...