On Sunday, before the United States could completely withdraw its military from Afghanistan after an almost 20-year-long war, the Taliban took over the country's capital Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country without public warning, leaving the presidential palace under the Taliban's control."Although Afghan security forces were well funded and well equipped, they put up little resistance as Taliban militants seized much of the country," CNN reported. "The Taliban's swift succes...
Electric scooters are no longer just micro-mobility devices that you'd find in cities like San Francisco and London. It's a professional sport, thanks to the inaugural eSkootr Championship that's kicking off this year.Developed by a group of Formula 1 and Formula E drivers, the eSC race will use custom-built scooters that drive as fast as 100 kilometers per hour as athletes in Tron-like outfits compete to the finish line. In addition to sustainability and affordability, the motorsport celebrates...
Kylie Jenner is reportedly pregnant with her second child with Travis Scott.The 24-year-old reality star and beauty mogul has been "enjoying her pregnancy in private" and "has only spent time with close friends and family," a source told People. "Kylie is a few months along. She has a cute bump. She is beyond excited," the source added. Another insider shared that Jenner "has been wanting to give Stormi a sibling for a while" and that "she is thrilled she and Travis are pregnant again."Other th...
August's full Sturgeon moon (aka the Blue moon) will appear in the night sky on August 22. For those curious about the upcoming cosmic event, here, we've gathered everything you need to know.The name of the August full moon originates from the fish sturgeon. "This Blue Moon is known to have gained its title due to a history of sturgeon being easily caught at a higher volume within the great lakes following the rise of the August moon," Eva White, psychic and spiritualist of Psychics1on1, explai...