Cardi B has given birth to her second child with her husband, Offset."9/4/21," the rapper captioned on Instagram, along with a photo of herself at the hospital holding her new baby wrapped in a blue blanket. The news comes after Cardi revealed her baby bump for the first time at the BET Awards, taking the stage in a shiny black jumpsuit."We are so overjoyed to finally meet our son. He is already loved so much by family and friends and we can't wait to introduce him to his other siblings," the co...
Naomi Osaka is thinking about taking a break from tennis "for a while." Following her defeat against Leylah Fernandez on September 3 at the 2021 U.S. Open, the 23-year-old athlete opened up to reporters that she no longer feels happy after a win."I feel more like a relief. And then when I lose, I feel very sad. I don't think that's normal," Osaka said. "Basically I feel like I'm kind of at this point where I'm trying to figure out what I want to do, and I honestly don't know when I'm going to pl...
A new law that has been taken into effect in Texas prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.According to The New York Times, the Supreme Court allowed one of the strictest measures to be put into place, after five votes for and four votes against an emergency appeal from abortion providers. Although the new law can be challenged in the future, the case is less likely to return to the Supreme Court for months. The unsigned order stated that the abortion providers were unable to answer th...
RuPaul's Drag Race alum Gigi Goode has come out as transgender and nonbinary. The star recently opened up to her fans in a video on Instagram."I don't even know how to start this," she begins. "Let's just jump right into it, you know what I mean? I guess, without beating around the bush, around eight months ago in January, right at the beginning of the year, I decided to begin the process of hormone replacement therapy," Gigi says. The drag queen explains that lockdown gave her a lot of time to...